Herby Ham Activity Center hires Uvalde native as its new director

Coleman’s first day on the job will be Monday, March 13, 2023 

The Herby Ham Activity Center has hired a new director according to board president Brenda Carter.  After an interview process, the HHAC board voted to hire Amy Gallaway Coleman, a native Uvalde who had moved to Missouri. 

   “We have hired a Director! Her name is Amy Coleman and she is a Native Uvaldean and graduated from Uvalde High School. She has been displaced for a number of years and is anxious to move back home. She is married and a mother of 5 grown sons. For the last 5 years, she has been the Activities Director at two different Senior Facilities in Missouri. They are sorry to see her leave but happy she will be back in Texas  and near her boys and other family members.” Brenda Carter wrote in the HHAC March Newsletter. 

    “Moving back home after 30 years feels really good. And I’m super excited about my new opportunity and to be back HOME! Closer to our boys and of course my sister! Can’t wait to be a part of this awesome community,” Coleman said. 

Coleman’s first day on the job will be Monday, March 13, 2023. 

Sue Schwencke-Rankin has announced her retirement in the HHAC February 2023 Newsletter.  Sue has served as the Center’s director for seven years.