Ghosts - Uvalde Hesperian
Uvalde's Free News SourceWed, 11 Dec 2024 23:35:08 +0000en-US
1 speak at City Council decrying Opera House ghost program including a “seance” with a psychic medium
Wed, 11 Dec 2024 23:30:33 +0000 Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian Top Picture: Glen Fortner speaks at Tuesday's night's Uvalde City Council meeting. Image is a still image taken from the City of Uvalde live …
“Not standing up against the event and looking the other way would be as harmful as supporting it wholeheartedly,” he said.
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay ai generated image
by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian
Top Picture: Glen Fortner speaks at Tuesday’s night’s Uvalde City Council meeting. Image is a still image taken from the City of Uvalde live stream video.
During the public comments portion of the Tuesday, December 10th meeting of the Uvalde City Council, Emma Trimble and Glenn Fortner spoke against a program at the Opera House, Ghosts of Texas with the Klinge Brothers. According to Fortner, he indicated the program was rescheduled for October although the program is still scheduled for Saturday, January 11th, 2024, according to the Uvalde Grand Opera House website.
“Today, I am going to share something in the natural, secular realm as well as in the spiritual and supernatural realm. I want to share that my intention is not to bring a word of condemnation or rebuke, but of encouragement and love from the desire of God to bring blessing upon our community and to inform you of some of the aspects according to the Bible that will hinder God’s desire to be fully experienced by us as a community. Specifically speaking of the now rescheduled program of directors that are planning to come to Uvalde that have rented the Opera House to film segments of their program on the alleged ghosts that dwell at the Opera House and they are going to air that in or on a program called Ghost Stories of Texas.
She went on to talk about a separate VIP event after the show bringing a psychic medium to perform her psychic abilities that VIP members can participate in.
“There are numerous Biblical scriptures that warn against communicating with the dead, also called a seance, which is a meeting at which people attempt to make contact with the dead especially through the agency of a medium. All throughout scripture we see the practice of such activities not only remove God’s hand of blessing over his people, but Scripture actually tells us that it can actually invoke a curse,” Trimble said.
According to information on the program on the Uvalde Grand Opera House Website it states: “They also will be bringing their close friend and psychic/medium Dana Stricker for a special VIP event after the show to learn about her psychic abilities during an actual investigation of the haunted opera house that you can participate in! ”
“Especially across the street, from where the crosses of our beautiful children are still.” Trimble said.
Pastor and business owner Glenn Fortner also spoke on the matter. He said, “I would like to make mention that America was originally founded on the principles of God’s Word and faith in the Lord. Historical evidence proves that free societies that did not honor God had His favor removed and ultimately, they failed. In contrast those that honored the Lord prospered.”
“Not standing up against the event and looking the other way would be as harmful as supporting it wholeheartedly,” he said.
Fortner continued urging the Council to be proactive by implementing policies that restrict events that glory death, darkness and demonology.”