Texas House District 80 - Uvalde Hesperian https://uvaldehesperian.com/category/texas-house-district-80/ Uvalde's Free News Source Wed, 29 May 2024 19:04:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 214914571 Ruben Nolasco wins the Republican Party Run-off for U.C. Sheriff with a narrow 73 vote margin of victory https://uvaldehesperian.com/2024/05/29/ruben-nolasco-wins-the-republican-party-run-off-for-u-c-sheriff-with-a-narrow-73-vote-margin-of-victory/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ruben-nolasco-wins-the-republican-party-run-off-for-u-c-sheriff-with-a-narrow-73-vote-margin-of-victory Wed, 29 May 2024 19:04:25 +0000 https://uvaldehesperian.com/?p=7480 by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian Uvalde County Republican Run-off for Uvalde County Sheriff Ruben Nolasco chalked up an unofficial win last night in his bid for re-election as Uvalde …

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U.C Sheriff Incombant Candidate Ruben Nolasco Picture from https://www.facebook.com/ruben.nolasco.75

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

Uvalde County Republican Run-off for Uvalde County Sheriff

Ruben Nolasco chalked up an unofficial win last night in his bid for re-election as Uvalde County Sheriff with the vote totals between him and challenger Otto Arnim coming down to only 73 votes difference.

Shortly before 9 PM, the final unofficial results were released by the Uvalde County Elections Office.  Ruben Nolasco’s vote total was 1241 votes to Otto Arnim’s 1168 total votes. Because there were no candidates who ran for Uvalde County Sheriff in the Democratic Party Primary elections, the Sheriff’s race was effectively decided during the 2024 Republican Primary Elections.

On Sheriff Ruben Nolasco’s Facebool Page, he posted the following message: “I would like to thank everyone who supported and voted for me. I will continue leading from a foundation built on honesty and integrety. Thank you all for making this possible. I look forward to serving the citizens of Uvalde County for another 4 years.”

Texas District 23 U.S. Congressional Republican Run-off Race

U,S, House of Representative Texas District 23 incombant Tony Gonzales Picture Credit: https://gonzales.house.gov/

Texas Republican incumbent Tony Gonzales won his primary bid against challenger Brandon Herrera in a close match according to an Associated Press report.  During the week of early voting leading up to the Tuesday, May 28th election day, many Uvalde County Residents respective mail boxes were flooded with glossy campaign cards as both candidates employed direct mail as a means of trying to sway voters.

Texas House District 80 Democratic Run-off Race

Democratic Candidarte for Texas House District 80
Cecilia Castellano image from https://cecilia4texas.com/

Cecilia Castellano defeated Rosie Cuellar Tuesday night  for the Democratic Party nomination according to a Laredo Morning Times report.

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Run-Off Election Day: Republican and Democratic Races to be decided by voters on Tuesday Night, May 28th, 2024 https://uvaldehesperian.com/2024/05/27/run-off-election-day-republican-and-democratic-races-to-be-decided-by-voters-on-tuesday-night-may-28th-2024/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=run-off-election-day-republican-and-democratic-races-to-be-decided-by-voters-on-tuesday-night-may-28th-2024 Mon, 27 May 2024 15:43:17 +0000 https://uvaldehesperian.com/?p=7469 by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian  The Republican and Democratic Party run-off election day is on Tuesday, May 28th,2024 and it is the last day for eligible Uvalde County voters …

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Voters to decide outcome of Gonzales and Herrera Repubilcan race for U.S House 23rd District run-off election: Democratic Primary run-off between Castillano and Cuellar will also be decided by voters for their Party’s Texas House District 80 pick

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

 The Republican and Democratic Party run-off election day is on Tuesday, May 28th,2024 and it is the last day for eligible Uvalde County voters to cast their ballots. 

Republican Primary voters will have two races on their Party’s ballots while Democratic Primary voters will only have one. 

Republican Primary Run-Off Election

Uvalde County Sheriff’s Race

Republican primary voters will choose between incumbent candidate Ruben Nolasco and Otto Arnim for the next Uvalde County Sheriff. 

United States House of Representatives District 23rd Congressional District Race

Republican primary voters will choose between incumbent candidate Tony Gonzales and Brandon Herrera for their party’s candidate nomination to progress to the November General Election. 

Democratic Primary Run-Off Election

Texas House of Representatives District 80 Race

Democratic primary voters will choose between candidates Cecilia Castellano and Rosie Cuellar for their party’s candidate nomination to progress to the November General Election.

For Uvalde County Election information, visit https://www.uvaldecountyelections.com/








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Rep Tracy O. King: Landowner Compensation Program Launched https://uvaldehesperian.com/2024/05/14/rep-tracy-o-king-landowner-compensation-program-launched/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rep-tracy-o-king-landowner-compensation-program-launched Tue, 14 May 2024 13:16:21 +0000 https://uvaldehesperian.com/?p=7345  Press Release from the Office of State of Texas Representative Tracy King May 13th, 2024 AUSTIN, TX – Senate Bill 1133 sponsored in the 88th Legislative Session by Representative Tracy …

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 Press Release from the Office of State of Texas Representative Tracy King

May 13th, 2024

Representative Tracy King

AUSTIN, TX – Senate Bill 1133 sponsored in the 88th Legislative Session by Representative Tracy O. King (D-Uvalde), passed and was signed into law in June 2023.  The bill, relating to a program to compensate landowners for property damage caused by certain criminal activities, required the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) to establish a grant program to compensate landowners.

  The OAG has launched the Landowner Compensation Program for Texans adversely affected by border-related crimes. The program as established will provide compensation for damage to real property on agricultural land caused by trespass in connection with a border crime. Landowners can be reimbursed for repair costs not covered by other sources up to $75,000 in damages.

  “Ranchers and farmers for many years have reported significant losses and property damage from increased smuggling activity along the Texas border, said King.  We have worked on legislation for such a program for many years and I am pleased the program has finally been established and funded.   Landowners will have an avenue to assist them with their damages.”

  For more information about the Landowner Compensation Program, including eligibility requirements, and to apply online, visit the attorney general’s website at https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/crime-victims/landowner-compensation-program.

  If our office can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to call the Capitol office at (512) 463-0194.

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Chairman King Receives Texas Rural Water Champion Award https://uvaldehesperian.com/2024/04/04/chairman-king-receives-texas-rural-water-champion-award/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=chairman-king-receives-texas-rural-water-champion-award Thu, 04 Apr 2024 16:39:37 +0000 https://uvaldehesperian.com/?p=7062 Press Release from Texas House District 80   (Austin) – The Texas Rural Water Association presented Representative Tracy O. King with the TRWA Rural Water Champion Award for his lifetime …

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Press Release from Texas House District 80

  (Austin) – The Texas Rural Water Association presented Representative Tracy O. King with the TRWA Rural Water Champion Award for his lifetime achievement in the Texas House.  This honor is given to individuals who have gone above and beyond to preserve and enhance the quality of life for all rural Texans.

  “Chairman King is a true advocate for all our rural communities,” said Lara Zent, Executive Director and General Counsel for TRWA.   “He provided leadership on critical rural water issues and was indeed a champion throughout his legislative career.”

  As Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, Representative King played an integral part in the association’s efforts to pass legislation protecting water for all rural communities.

  “I am deeply honored and humbled to have been selected for this award and I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the association for this recognition,” said Representative King. “Because rural representation is too often outmatched by its urban counterpart, it is vitally important that we stand together with organizations such as TRWA for all our rural needs and values.”

  The Texas Rural Water Association is a statewide educational and trade association that represents the full spectrum of the rural water community. They have an active membership of approximately 870 retail public utilities that provide water and wastewater service to 3 million customers throughout Texas. They also have approximately 150 water/wastewater industry suppliers that make up their Associate Membership.

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