Letter - Uvalde Hesperian https://uvaldehesperian.com/category/letter/ Uvalde's Free News Source Mon, 10 Jun 2024 18:26:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 214914571 Citizen weighs in on the Uvalde CISD Zone issue https://uvaldehesperian.com/2024/06/08/citizen-weighs-in-on-the-uvalde-cisd-zone-issue/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=citizen-weighs-in-on-the-uvalde-cisd-zone-issue Sat, 08 Jun 2024 20:32:35 +0000 https://uvaldehesperian.com/?p=7581 By Simon Ortiz Ms. Chohlis, School Board Members, The Uvalde Southwest Neighborhood Association is a group of residents of the southwest side of Uvalde.  We came together to advocate for …

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The following letter was sent to the Uvalde CISD Board

By Simon Ortiz
Ms. Chohlis, School Board Members,

The Uvalde Southwest Neighborhood Association is a group of residents of the southwest side of Uvalde.  We came together to advocate for the improvement of our neighborhood and to be a voice for our neighbors; to communicate their concerns and work with our local government entities to find solutions.  All in a positive manner.
We are aware of the situation the school board finds itself in concerning Trustee Ms. Laura Perez’s residency status.  If the board proceeds to appoint someone to the east side zone vacancy, our west side residents will be left with no representation from our neighborhoods on the board.  This would be unacceptable both morally, democratically and most seriously, legally.
Attached is a copy of the State of Texas Education Code with the section highlighted that unquestionably defines that Ms. Perez’s place on the board is illegal and an exposure to the school district and an exposure to the other school board members.  According to the code, Ms. Perez’s place on the board is vacated automatically once it was known she did not live in the west zone and maybe even since she was first appointed in 2020.
As we stated above, we would like to offer some solutions to this quandary.  The first option, and our preference, is for you to have a special election for both vacant seats in order to give the voters a true voice in the matter.  We know there is a time limit according to the education code, but it can be done.  The second option is to consider Ms. Perez as an applicant for the east zone seat and have a special election for the west zone seat.  Appointing a west zone resident to the west zone seat would be our last preference.
In closing, we ask that you seriously consider our suggestions, seriously consider the right of representation of the students and voters of our side of town and do the right thing for UVALDE!

Simon E Ortiz
Uvalde Southwest Neighborhood Association

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The post Citizen weighs in on the Uvalde CISD Zone issue appeared first on Uvalde Hesperian.

Letter to the Editor: Sister of Robb Teacher Irma Garcia recounts her experience at recent Candidate Forum https://uvaldehesperian.com/2024/02/21/letter-to-the-editor-sister-of-robb-teacher-irma-garcia-recounts-her-experience-at-recent-candidate-forum/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=letter-to-the-editor-sister-of-robb-teacher-irma-garcia-recounts-her-experience-at-recent-candidate-forum Wed, 21 Feb 2024 18:27:29 +0000 https://uvaldehesperian.com/?p=6801 Submitted to the Uvalde Hesperian by Velma Lisa Duran Proverbs 24:24-25 Whoever says to the guilty, "you are innocent," will be cursed by peoples and denounced by nations. But it …

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The post Letter to the Editor: Sister of Robb Teacher Irma Garcia recounts her experience at recent Candidate Forum appeared first on Uvalde Hesperian.


Submitted to the Uvalde Hesperian by Velma Lisa Duran

Proverbs 24:24-25

Whoever says to the guilty, “you are innocent,” will be cursed by peoples and denounced by nations.

But it will go well with those who convict the guilty, and rich blessing will come on them. 

  I, Velma Lisa Duran, sister of Irma Linda Garcia who was a former teacher at Robb Elementary due to being gunned down,  would like to share the insulting and cruel interaction my sons and I experienced at SWTJC on February 13, 2024 at The Candidate Forum   

  This trip to Uvalde was very difficult as I had spent Superbowl Sunday creating a trifold poster of the aftermath at Robb Elementary using various articles and photos from a multitude of media sources showing law officers who are disgracefully running for Uvalde County Sheriff, constable and House of Representatives.  They are Uvalde Sheriff Nolasco, Former Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin Jr., SWTJC Law Enforcement Academy Coordinator Johnny J. Field, and SWTJC Law Enforcement Academy Instructor Emmanuel Zamora.

  Let’s not forget D.A. Christiana Mitchell who doesn’t have anyone running against her and is intentionally dragging the Robb Elementary Massacre in order to protect Law Officers who just stood by and witnessed 19 children and 2 teachers DIE and many other children and teachers left  suffering inflicted with life-long injuries and trauma, as she states without any remorse, “allow the process to take place.”  

Lastly there is Justin Wolbert, who is running for County Attorney, his wife Shawna Wolbert, former Vice Principal of Robb Elementary during one of the deadliest massacres in The United States of America, who wants your vote and ” if elected plans to attend all meetings to be on hand to offer legal advice or  explain complex matters, something he says is not currently happening.”  

  He is correct.  These people elected for a specific job find it very easy NOT to show up if they don’t feel like showing up and Uvalde’s taxpayers continue to provide their salaries.  It is a corrupt system that takes care of their own.

  Now, my reason for this write up is to show everyone the blatant demonic people that comprise Uvalde, Texas.  The night before the forum I stayed up until 1:00 a.m. writing 15 questions to submit to the Uvalde Leader News all directed to Sheriff Ruben Nolasco. 

  I went to work and left midday to head to Uvalde with my two loving sons.   With little sleep, I felt good about representing my sister and my brother in law Joe by attending submitting imperative questions that deserved to be asked.  I needed to make sure someone from the family would be there to represent them as great concerns overshadowed every day knowing the list of candidates running for these important roles in Uvalde County. 

  As we walked towards the Tate Auditorium we were told to leave our posters outside before signing in to the forum.  As I held my poster up, I noticed a woman staring at me and I said, “Do you like this poster?  ” and she responded with a big smile and said, “That’s a very pretty poster.” 

  I responded, “THIS poster with the bloodshed of my sister and her students?”  she replied with a dark smile and said, “Yes, VERY pretty.” and turned away from us. 

   I was completely shocked and could feel a sharp pain in my heart as I placed the poster by the door and walked in trying to hold my composure. I looked at my sons and I could tell they were floored at what had just happened.  A couple of minutes passed and we were then directed to move our posters off the building due to some legality and we complied. 

   After the uninspiring SNL type of forum and debate, Nolasco, Field and Zamora failed to show up.  I asked SWTJC Hector Gonzales if I could have a word with him and he agreed.  I had deep concerns about the employment of Field and Zamora as Law Enforcement Instructors after their failure to help children and teachers in the Robb Massacre.  

  He responded that he had someone looking into the DOJ report and would get a conclusion to their decision.  That is when I saw the same woman on the stage who was trying to taunt me as we walked into the auditorium.  

  I asked SWTJC President Hector Gonzales if he knew  her and he said, “yes, she’s one of my instructors.”  I explained what had happened as we walked into this event and he called her over.  

  I was extremely emotional but hoping for a resolution.  He asked her to apologize and she did!  She didn’t ask what was the reason for the apology,,, she just did.  I asked her why she was apologizing and she once again said, ” It was a very pretty poster.”  At that point I lost it and said some choice words and yelled at her,  Fucking Bitch!  

  My boys walked me away and before leaving the auditorium I yelled at Mr. Gonzales to Do Something as he and his wife have been so gracious with the families in seeking justice.

   At this point, I feel like everyone has their own agenda because one way or another everyone is related, has a friendship or works for or with someone who stood around and REFUSED to follow the oath they took when they signed up to be a law officer.

 That brings me to County Commissioner, PCT 1 John Yeackle, who made a statement at the SWTJC Board Meeting last week.  Not one person rebutted his claims about the responsibility of SWTJC Law Enforcement Academy Coordinator Johnny J. Field and Constable/Law Enforcement Instructor Emmanuel Zamora who responded and stood in the Robb Elementary Hallway where my sister Irma was horrifically shot to death alongside many of her students and co-teacher. 

  I agree with Yeackle, when he states ” that elected officials have to express how they feel and accept the consequences that come with that.  If you want to be a leader then you have to say those uncomfortable difficult things or then you DON’T DESERVE TO LEAD.”  

  Well said, however, Field, nor Zamora showed up to the Forum but want your vote.  Their names were listed on the Department of Justice of the United States of America Report detailing their failure and Yeackle attempts to defend them?  

   They want to double dip in their important responsibilities but not have any backlash when they dangerously fail.  That is just WRONG! When it comes to law enforcement you should choose one or the other because with this leadership, the chances of this happening again are great.  

 They shouldn’t have been there if they were not going to practice what they TEACH!  Everyone knows that when it comes to a shooter you follow the shooter and neutralize them NOT  stand around asking about who the lead is.  Is that what they teach? 


  Who in their right mind is going to ask a law officer what title they are representing during a shooting?  It is RIDICULOUS!  Getting a Law Enforcement degree from SWTJC  is a complete joke but I can understand that it is also less of a financial burden.  Choose wisely people, they have clearly shown us the type of officers they are and getting a supplemental check protecting your life is not worth your precious vote.


With My Family and the Uvalde Citizens In Mind,

Velma Lisa Duran

Former Robb teacher


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Letter to the editor https://uvaldehesperian.com/2023/07/25/5098/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=5098 Tue, 25 Jul 2023 17:57:46 +0000 https://uvaldehesperian.com/?p=5098 Diana Olvedo-Karau submitted by Diana Olvedo-Karau Illustration Credit: Katamaheen from Pixabay When you live in a small town where everybody knows each other, you usually assume the best of people.  …

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The post Letter to the editor appeared first on Uvalde Hesperian.

Diana Olvedo-Karau

submitted by Diana Olvedo-Karau

Illustration Credit: Katamaheen from Pixabay

When you live in a small town where everybody knows each other, you usually assume the best of people.  We do this, because these are our coworkers; we attend the same churches; we shop at the same stores; and these are our neighbors.  Not to say we don’t have town gossip; town drama or town politics; but most of us try hard to be civil, if not gracious, in our interactions with each other.  So imagine my surprise when at the July 10th Uvalde County Commissioners meeting, one of our own neighbors and an elected official accused a group of Uvalde County citizens attending the same meeting of sowing seeds of fear; being Facist and compared us to Hitler and Mussolini”!  I sat in that Commissioners Court Room that day and felt appalled on the one hand and mad as hell on the other!

  How dare Carlos Lopez, the Uvalde County Democratic Chair denigrate grandbaby rocking grandmothers, God fearing followers of Jesus Christ and people who love their country and community.  How dare Carlos Lopez use valid citizen concerns as a political gaslighting ploy to defend his position on the matter at hand.  How dare Carlos Lopez have no shame!
  Every person that stood on the opposite side of the “argument” to Carlos Lopez position who spoke that day, addressed the issue.  Carlos Lopez however gave a speech framed straight out of the liberal left handbook, Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky and he used these tactics found in the book to spew his rhetorical vitriol.
  RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)
  RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
  In a nutshell, Alinsky teaches to play dirty.  In a nutshell, Lopez played dirty.  All Carlos Lopez did, in classic left leaning style, was shift the focus of the conversation from the Elections Voting Systems vulnerabilities, which was the issue being presented.  To insulting hardworking, upstanding, taxpaying citizens of Uvalde County, that happen to also be conservatives.  I say to Carlos Lopez, and those of like mind; weak  minded, manipulative people always resort to name calling because they can never argue the facts or the truth.
  The saddest part of this whole experience was the fact that the Uvalde County Commissioners did what they do best.  They gave lip service to its citizens and then voted to maintain the status quo

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The post Letter to the editor appeared first on Uvalde Hesperian.

Truck driver from Lubbuck brings heartfelt message to Uvalde on eve of the one year mark of the Robb Tragedy https://uvaldehesperian.com/2023/05/23/truck-driver-from-lubbuck-brings-heartfelt-message-to-uvalde-on-eve-of-the-one-year-mark-of-the-robb-tragedy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=truck-driver-from-lubbuck-brings-heartfelt-message-to-uvalde-on-eve-of-the-one-year-mark-of-the-robb-tragedy Tue, 23 May 2023 21:26:40 +0000 https://uvaldehesperian.com/?p=4429 "I am attaching a work by a truck driver from Lubbock who came to Uvalde to support the community on this first anniversary.  He gave me copies of the attached …

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“I am attaching a work by a truck driver from Lubbock who came to Uvalde to support the community on this first anniversary.  He gave me copies of the attached and said you and I can do whatever we want to do with it.” El Progreso Memorial Library Director wrote.

Image Credit: El Progreso Memorial Library

Submitted by Robert Haney


By Robert Haney

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The post Truck driver from Lubbuck brings heartfelt message to Uvalde on eve of the one year mark of the Robb Tragedy appeared first on Uvalde Hesperian.

State Senator Roland Gutierrez Comments on DPS Footage Release https://uvaldehesperian.com/2023/05/21/state-senator-roland-gutierrez-comments-on-dps-footage-release-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=state-senator-roland-gutierrez-comments-on-dps-footage-release-2 Sun, 21 May 2023 20:30:20 +0000 https://uvaldehesperian.com/?p=4402 Press release from the Office of Texas State Senator Roland Gutierrez Picture credit: Michael Robinson   Austin, Texas – On Thursday, State Senator Roland Gutierrez sent a letter to Texas …

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Texas DPS released footage within 48 hours, still has not released Robb footage.

Press release from the Office of Texas State Senator Roland Gutierrez

Picture credit: Michael Robinson

  Austin, Texas – On Thursday, State Senator Roland Gutierrez sent a letter to Texas Department of Public Safety Director Col. Steve McCraw, demanding an independent investigation into an incident that occurred Wednesday in which a DPS officer shoved a parent at Flores Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Body-worn camera footage of the incident was released late Thursday evening by ABC News.

  “I am glad that DPS has listened to our request and quickly released the bodycam footage from this incident. Now that we know that DPS can do this quickly without an investigation being completed, it’s time for them to release the Robb Massacre camera footage to the public. As in this instance, there is no reason to hide the ugly truth from the people,” Gutierrez stated, “Because we know DPS cannot be trusted to investigate themselves, I am continuing the call for an independent investigation so we can make sure a fair assessment is made in this situation. Every DPS officer working in Uvalde should have the sensibility to know the toll that the Robb Massacre has taken on the surviving families and DPS’ abject failure in protecting their children.”

  Since the massacre nearly 11 months ago, Gutierrez has demanded the release of all body-worn camera footage and 911 audio tapes to the public. DPS has hidden behind the Uvalde County District Attorney’s office, citing an ongoing investigation. Senator Gutierrez was only able to view the footage after signing a non-disclosure agreement.

  Gutierrez concludes, “We have to stop putting these families and this community through torture. DPS must know that they have caused irreparable harm to these families. The best they can do now is rip the band-aid off and release the Robb Elementary footage immediately, as they should have done May 25th of last year. I continue to call on Director McCraw to do the right thing once and for all.”

Thursday’s letter to Col. McCraw can be found here.


Roland Gutierrez has served as the Texas State Senator for District 19 since 2021, previously serving six terms as a member of the Texas House of Representatives and two terms as a San Antonio City Councilman.

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An Open Letter to Texas https://uvaldehesperian.com/2023/05/18/an-open-letter-to-texas/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=an-open-letter-to-texas https://uvaldehesperian.com/2023/05/18/an-open-letter-to-texas/#comments Thu, 18 May 2023 16:38:56 +0000 https://uvaldehesperian.com/?p=4354 An Open Letter to Texas: Dear Texas,   You failed us. You failed our community of Uvalde, TX. You failed the innocent children and their teachers, who were brutally murdered …

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Submitted by a grieving Uvaldean

An Open Letter to Texas:

Dear Texas,

  You failed us. You failed our community of Uvalde, TX. You failed the innocent children and their teachers, who were brutally murdered at Robb Elementary. You failed the families that have to navigate life without their loved ones. 

  You failed the children that had to abandon their childhoods and become adults early. You have failed the communities of Allen, Cleveland, Santa Fe, Sutherland Springs, Midland, Odessa, and El Paso. Most of all you have failed Texans. But why?

  Why did our town have to go through this awful act of violence? Why did the families affected not have their children come home? Why did the children in our community have to bury their classmates? 

  Why do the families in our community have to be scared to send their kids to school? Why do you constantly decline to act? Why is it a year later and still no change? Why are the students of Uvalde having to speak out against gun violence instead of our leaders?

  We are angry. We are devastated. We are in disbelief. We are heartbroken. We trusted our state to keep our community safe. We trusted that you would protect our community from harm. But you didn’t. You chose to put the interests of donors and gun lobbyists above the safety of Texans, specifically children.

  We demand action. We demand change. We demand that you take meaningful steps to prevent these senseless tragedies from happening again. We demand stricter gun laws, including background checks for all gun purchases, a ban on assault weapons, and limits on high-capacity magazines.

  We demand mental health resources for those who need them. We demand better school security measures. We demand our voices to be heard, and we want you to listen. We demand you give us more than just sympathy. We demand a safer Texas.

  We will not be silenced. We will not forget about the shooting or deceased. We will continue to fight for justice and change. We will honor the memories of those lost by taking action and making sure that no one else has to go through the pain and suffering that our community has endured. 

  You cannot give us thoughts and prayers and pass lenient gun laws. You cannot ignore the tragedies that have occurred in the state. You cannot tell us that we are being unreasonable. You cannot give us generic PR statements. Lastly, you cannot tell us “It could have been worse.” But you can give us change.

  Texas, it’s time for you to wake up and do something for the lives of our fellow Texans. It’s time to pass HB 2744 and other gun reform legislation. It’s time to stand up against the NRA and other gun lobbyists. It’s time for the state to be a part of the change that we want to see in our communities. It’s time to prioritize the safety and security of ALL Texans. 



A grieving Uvaldean

Eloy Barrera

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