Jesse Rizo - Uvalde Hesperian Uvalde's Free News Source Thu, 19 Dec 2024 22:41:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 214914571 Defense’s motion to quash case against Pete Arredondo dismissed by Judge Sid Harle : Brett Cross claims he and his wife were assaulted by U.C. Sheriff’s Officers Thu, 19 Dec 2024 22:22:12 +0000 Attorney Paul Looney speaks to reporters by Michael Robinson |Uvalde Hesperian 12-19-2024 Top Photo: Pete Arredondo exits the Uvalde County Justice Center with a cardboard Amazon box. Security was tight …

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Attorney Paul Looney speaks to reporters

by Michael Robinson |Uvalde Hesperian


Top Photo: Pete Arredondo exits the Uvalde County Justice Center with a cardboard Amazon box.

Security was tight around the Uvalde County Justice Center with attendees of the evidentiary hearing held today at 10 AM required to walk through a metal detector and be wanded by a sheriff’s officer. The buzzing of a drone was heard for most of the morning.  Robb School Victims’ family members and reporters were allowed into the courtroom without cell phones and recording devices.

Outside the facility, a media area was ribboned off with local and national media representatives in attendance.

Shortly after 11 AM,  a few victims’ family members emerged from the Justice Center with many more exiting the building followed by Pet Arredondo holding a cardboard box accompanied by security.

Former Uvalde CISD Police Chief Pete Arredondo’s attorney Paul Looney with Looney, Smith and Conrad, P.C., approached the media area and spoke followed by a Q and A.

Looney stated that Arredondo did move to breach the classroom because of the potential for crossfire penetrating the wallboards and then hitting students in nearby classrooms. He referred to Arredondo’s orders to stand down actually meant to hold until other classrooms could be cleared.  Looney stated that bullets and shrapnel had already penetrated the thin wallboards. Looney went on to indicate the defense was not going to reveal its strategy ahead of time, but a new description of events would be heard that has yet to be heard.

Looney also said 911 phone calls from inside the classroom were not relayed to Uvalde CISD Police Chief Arredondo.

Looney also  criticized the U.S. Border Patrol for not releasing its evidence pertaining to the Robb School Massacre on May 24th, 2024.

Jesus “Jesse” Rizo

Jesse Rizo, the uncle of 9-year-old Jacklyn Cazares who was killed in the Robb School shooting said, “Hearing Arredondo’s attorney trying to make a case to quash the charges is outright upsetting. By doing this he is adding insult to injury. He failed on 5/24/22 and he continues to inflict pain on so many people.”

Update: Brett Cross posts on Twitter he and his wife Nikki Cross were assaulted and injured by Uvalde County Sheriff’s Officers as they were trying to enter the courtroom.

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Newly elected UCISD Board Members Gonzales and Rizo speak at Thursday’s Uvalde Rotary Club Meeting Fri, 07 Jun 2024 16:51:59 +0000 by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian Top Photo: Uvalde CISD Trustee Jacklyn Gonzales speaks to the Uvalde Rotary Club    Uvalde ISD's two newly elected board members Jacklyn Gonzales and Jesse …

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Uvalde CISD Trustee Jessie Rizo speaks to the members and guests of the Rotary Club of Uvalde

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

Top Photo: Uvalde CISD Trustee Jacklyn Gonzales speaks to the Uvalde Rotary Club

   Uvalde ISD’s two newly elected board members Jacklyn Gonzales and Jesse Rizo spoke at this week’s Thursday noon Rotary Club of Uvalde meeting  at the Uvalde Country Club where they talked about their experiences as new trustees and also spoke about their respective visions for the district and the challenges the district and the community faces. Superintendent Ashley Chohlis also attended the Rotary Club of Uvalde meeting. 

  Gonzales said that before the election, she was out at the Ssgt. Willie de Leon Civic Center parking lot near where early voting was occuring where she met and spoke with many people including parents, teachers and other citizens and she was moved by the many stories and comments she heard. She also said as a new board member she has a lot to learn and from the start, she has been asking a lot of questions. 

  Rizo spoke and said before being elected, he spoke to the school board members as a citizen many times. Now that he is on the board he sits with several members on the board who were school classmates.   Both Gonzales and Rizo spoke about the desire to foster more transparency within the district. Rizo stated that two years after the May 24th tragedy, it is an opportunity for rebuilding. 

  After the two took turns speaking, Superintendent Chohlis spoke stating attendance is a big challenge the district is going to have to address. She stated that if students are not in their classroom seats, the school does not get the money it needs. Chohlis went on to say that of all the meetings she has had with people upset with the district, all ended on a positive note. 

  In responding to a question about parents sending their children to attend school at other districts, Cholis said the challenge is not only to learn why these students are not going to Uvalde CISD school but also to .provide opportunities for existing Uvalde CISD students to excel and to get the word out on the great things that are happening with the district.

 One attendee at the meeting said that she strongly considered taking her kids out of Uvalde CISD schools and enrolling them with Knippa ISD, but once she sat down face to face with Chohlis to express her concerns, she decided to keep her kids at Uvalde CISD. 

 Chohlis continued by saying she and the district officials want to create more opportunities for parents and the community to communicate directly with them. It seemed like they all agreed that listening to parents and the community is important.






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Uvalde CISD Board Trustees Gonzales, Rizo and Lambert sworn in at Monday night’s meeting Tue, 14 May 2024 19:04:45 +0000 Trustees Jacklyn Gonzales and Calvin “Cal” Lambert begin work at Monday night’s May 13th school board meeting. by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian   The Uvalde CISD School Board canvassed the …

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Trustees Jacklyn Gonzales and Calvin “Cal” Lambert begin work at Monday night’s May 13th school board meeting.

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

  The Uvalde CISD School Board canvassed the recent school board election votes at the Monday, May 13th regular board meeting and following that action, Uvalde County Judge William “Bill” Mitchell 

swore in Jacklyn Gonzales, Jesus “Jesse” Rizo and Calvin “Cal” Lambert to  their newly elected offices where afterwards, the trio were seated alongside the other district’s board members. 

  Prior to the swearing in of the new trustees. Superintendent Ashley Chohlis thanked outgoing Trustee and Board President Luis Fernandez and then presented him with a plaque commemorating his 8 years of service on the school board. Fernandez joined the school board in 2016.  Outgoing Board member Rob Fowler was not in attendance. 

  The board then voted to elect officers to serve on the board. Calvin “Cal” Lambert was elected as the new school board president and Laura Prrez was elected as the board’s new Vice President.  JJ Suarez was elected as the board’s new Secretary and Javier Florez was elected as the board’s new Texas Association of School Board’s TASB (pronounced as tazz-bee) delegate.

Jacklyn Gonzalez was elected as alternate TASB delegate. Jesse Rizo and Jacklyn Gonzales were elected as trustees to approve monthly bills.








Jesus "Jesse" Rizo participates in Monday's May 13th Uvalde CISD School Board Meeting as a newly sworn in trustee.

Superintendent Ashley Chohlis presents outgoing Trustee Luis Fernandez with a commemorative plaque

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Elected Uvalde CISD trustees will be sworn in at Monday Night’s May 13th School Board Meeting after votes are canvassed by the District Sat, 11 May 2024 01:41:21 +0000 by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian Editor's note: Two paragraphs of Jesse Rizo were attributed to Cal Lambert in a previous version. The error has been corrected.     Two new Uvalde …

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by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

Editor’s note: Two paragraphs of Jesse Rizo were attributed to Cal Lambert in a previous version. The error has been corrected.

Jaclyn Gonzales

    Two new Uvalde CISD Trustees and one reelected as a Trustee will be sworn in to serve at Monday night’s May 13th regular school board meeting at 6 Pm immediately following a special 5:30 Board meeting to go over district finances. 

   Jacklyn Gonzales and  Jesus “Jesse” Rizo will be stepping on the stage as newly elected Trustees and Calvin “Cal” Lambert will be returning to the board after winning his re-election bid. 

  “I am honored to be selected to serve on the UCISD board of trustees. I look forward to being a voice for our students, teachers and community,” Jacklyn Gonzales said. 

 Jesus “Jesse” Rizo submitted the following statement to the Uvalde Hesperian:

  ” I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been a part of this journey—from those who inspired me to run for school board trustee, to the friends who proofread my letters and speeches, and to the mentors who educated me on the processes involved. I’m especially thankful for those who provided encouragement during challenging times.

My initial intention was never to run for political office. Before May 24, 2022, I focused on mentoring students during career days across various schools and volunteering in Batesville during special events. The tragic event on that day changed our lives profoundly, creating a ripple effect across our community and beyond.

After many conversations and observations, I saw numerous opportunities for improvement that needed to be addressed across the board. While I respect the work of officials, council members, and board members, I realized that simply being “nice” wouldn’t be enough in the current circumstances, which led me to reconsider my course.”

After thoughtful reflection and discussions with my wonderful wife, we decided to place my name on the ballot. Going door to door and engaging with people from different backgrounds provided me with a deeper understanding of our community’s strengths and weaknesses. This reinforced my decision to run for board trustee.

Jesus “Jesse” Rizo

  The overwhelming support I received from our UCISD communities tells me that people are eager for change, seeking transparency and accountability at all levels. I am humbled and honored by the many votes I received from within our district and from beyond.

  I look forward to serving as your at-large trustee for both Batesville and Uvalde. Together, we can make a meaningful difference. Thank you for this incredible opportunity.”

Calvin “Cal Lambert also shared a statement to the Uvalde Hesperian after his re-election bid:

“First and foremost I’m blessed with a family that always supports me.  This couldn’t have been done without them.  I sincerely thank those that cast a vote, supported, and trusted in

me to help the Board guide our school district into the next four years. 

  A special thank you  to my fellow School Board Trustees for your encouragement.  It’s an honor to continue to serve with an awesome team that always has the best interest of our students and employees at the forefront of every decision made.  There are many initiatives in progress directed at improving the academic success of our

Cal Lambert

students as well as the professional growth of our employees. I’m optimistic about the future of our district.  Thank you. ‘Loyal and True’

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