Councilman Chip King - Uvalde Hesperian Uvalde's Free News Source Wed, 13 Jul 2022 10:20:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 214914571 Mayor expresses anger over Robb hallway video early release Wed, 13 Jul 2022 10:19:12 +0000 Mayor Don McLaughlin expressed words of anger at Tuesday Night's Uvalde City Council meeting over the release of the Robb Elementary hallway video and broadcast Tuesday afternoon by the Austin …

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Councilman King joins Mayor McLaughlin in condemning leaked Robb Hallway video

Mayor Don McLaughlin expressed words of anger at Tuesday Night’s Uvalde City Council meeting over the release of the Robb Elementary hallway video and broadcast Tuesday afternoon by the Austin American-Statesman and KVUE-TV,  several days before family members of the slain would have an opportunity to view it first.

Both the Mayor and Councilman Chip King called the decision by KVUE-TV to broadcast the video as “Chicken Shit.”

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City Council and Families express frustration on lack of answers and actions Thu, 30 Jun 2022 23:40:43 +0000   Uvalde City Council reconvened and faced the ire of the family members of Robb School.   Mayor McLaughlin claimed he is being kept in the dark by 38th District Attorney …

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  Uvalde City Council reconvened and faced the ire of the family members of Robb School.   Mayor McLaughlin claimed he is being kept in the dark by 38th District Attorney Christina Busbee, Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Texas DPS Director Stephen McCraw . Mayor Don McLaughlin stated DPS Director McCraw lied when he stated the grandmother of the shooter called 911.
  The sister of Robb Teacher Irma Garcia demanded answers.
  Parents addressed Texas Governor Greg Abbott personally through television media summoning him to meet with the Robb School Families.
Many threaten not to send students back to school this fall if they do not receive answers by Uvalde CISD and elected officials.
  “We cannot investigate our own department because of letter received by DA Christina Busbee.” Mayor Don McLaughlin said.
According to letters sent to the Uvalde City Council by DA Busbee and Texas DPS, the council was warned that releasing information about the Robb School Shooting would constitute a criminal act: Obstruction of Justice. Please be advised that the school snooty is being investigated and request any records be withheld under Texas statute.
   “The only way to remove District Attorney Busbee is to petition for a recall election. “McLaughlin said.    However, City Manager Vince DePiazza stared he is not sure of if a recall petition is accurate.
  “We’re just as frustrated.” Councilman Chip King said.     Speaking to the Robb School parents Councilman king said. “ The next time there is a school board meeting, you guys need to go and insist there is no time limit to speak.”
  “I will start making calls today to the Texas Governor Greg Abbott requesting a meeting with the Robb School Families. “ McLaughlin said.
  “I’m not on her favorite list “said McLaughlin referring to DA Busbee.     The Mayor encouraged those attending to protest peacefully and not resort to violence. He went onto say he would participate in a peaceful protest with the families.

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Uvalde Citizen’s voice fiery criticism at Councilman Arredondo and City Council. Councilman Chip King: “I hear you guys.” Wed, 22 Jun 2022 03:08:10 +0000    The citizen’s voices were filled with anger at Councilman Pete Arredondo at tonight’s City Council Meeting held at the SSGT Willie de Leon Civic Center. Approximately 75 community members …

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After the City Council Meeting outside of the Civic Center

   The citizen’s voices were filled with anger at Councilman Pete Arredondo at tonight’s City Council Meeting held at the SSGT Willie de Leon Civic Center. Approximately 75 community members attended the meeting, some carrying protest signs against Councilman Pete Arredondo who was not in attendance at tonight’s meeting. During the public comments portion of the meeting approximately 8-10 citizens spoke to the City Mayor Don McLaughlin and the panel of Uvalde City Councilmen seated at a long table on the Civic Center stage. 

   Most of the anger was directed at the newly elected City Councilman Pete Arredondo who had asked the City Council to approve a leave of absence from the City Council. Several speakers and people shouting from the audience demanded that the City Council deny granting Arredondo a leave of absence. According to information provided by City Manager Vince DePiazza under the City Council’s bylaws, an elected City Councilman who missed three consecutive city council meetings in a row without getting approval from the remaining city council members, then the council can act to remove that council member from the city council.

 After a preponderance of voices from the audience demanding the council deny Arredondo’s requested leave of absence, the council voted Nay for the leave of absence. By not allowing Councilman Pete Arredondo a leave of absence, he must attend one of the next two regular Uvalde City Council meetings and face the citizens in an open forum.

  Criticism was also leveled at Mayor Don McLaughlin and the Uvalde City Council for not allowing transparency of information from the ongoing investigation. 

  Don McLaughlin responded to the people in attendance saying he is vowing to work to start releasing as much information on the investigation to the citizens and family members of those slain at Robb School. “The gloves are coming off.” McLaughlin said. The Mayor also claimed he was being kept in the dark on the investigation being done by the Texas Department of Public Safety and was being “kept in the dark” by state officials. He also slammed Texas DPS Director Steve McCraw on focusing much of the blame on local law enforcement and not including Texas DPS and US Border Patrol officers in their role in the Robb School response. 

  Mayor McLaughlin also leveled strong criticism against 38th District Attorney Christina Busbee's office for blocking the disclosure of information obtained during the ongoing investigation.

  Due to the Mayor’s frustration in the Texas DPS investigation, McLaughlin said he met with President Biden on the Tarmac at Biden’s visit to Uvalde and asked him to get the US Department of 

Justice to start their own investigation. 

After the Uvalde City Council Meeting, the Mayor held a press conference fielding questions from the many reporters from out of town media outlets and from some local citizens. 

 Mayor McLaughlin’s words of  solidarity with the people of Uvalde in demanding transparency and wanting answers. The Mayor did conclude with saying he was truly sorry that the Robb School Massacre occurred and said if he could turn back the time to prevent that event from happening he would. 

 Not everyone attending was satisfied with the Mayor’s comments or actions at tonight’s city council meeting. An unknown man followed McLaughlin outside of the Civic Center outside after the meeting shouting, “Coward.”


Councilman Chip King considers decision on Arredondo's Leave of Absence request.
Dianna Karau addresses Council members
Protest sign at the City Council Meeting
Questions and Answers during Mayor McLaughlin's Press Conference

The post Uvalde Citizen’s voice fiery criticism at Councilman Arredondo and City Council. Councilman Chip King: “I hear you guys.” first appeared on Uvalde Hesperian.

The post Uvalde Citizen’s voice fiery criticism at Councilman Arredondo and City Council. Councilman Chip King: “I hear you guys.” appeared first on Uvalde Hesperian.

City Councilman King addresses Uvalde Downtown Memorial clean-up Sun, 12 Jun 2022 15:24:15 +0000 Uvalde City Councilman Chip King comments on his personal Facebook page about clean-up of old flowers and greenery at the Uvalde Downtown Plaza Memorial site. "If anyone goes to the …

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Uvalde City Councilman Chip King comments on his personal Facebook page about clean-up of old flowers and greenery at the Uvalde Downtown Plaza Memorial site.

“If anyone goes to the town square/fountain and cleans up old flowers and greenery, please stack or bag it up and leave it there. We are collecting all of the expended greenery and plan to mulch it for use in any memorial gardens that may be created. We want to preserve as much of the memorial as possible. EDIT: We have been able to save those items that have been cleaned up already. We are not encouraging cleanup by any citizens at this time. I just wanted to put this out there.”

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