Law enforcement personnel from around the area attend 3-day threat assessemnt training at the Civic Center

by Michael Robinson| Uvalde Hesperian

Top Picture: Attendees consider the various components of threat assessment at a training on Thursday morning September 5th, 2024 at the Civic Center

Picture by Michael Robinson

  Uvalde Police Department officers and other Law enforcement personnel from other agencies attended a 3-day behavioral threat assessment training at the Ssgt Willie de Leon Civic Center hosted by the  Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) where information and procedures from the FBI and other national agencies are shared and taught.

  According to the presenter at Thursday mornings training sessions the training provided is evidence based threat assessment that works.

  At Thursday morning’s training the instructors stated that targeted threats are different from other types of threats. According to information shared about a potential threat posed by a student, the presenter said, “You don’t know what happened at home. There is a lot that gets thrown at the schools.”  He continued by saying other students may observe changes in behavior including social media posts and what clothes a person wears might be signs of something happening with a particular student.

  The instructor went on to say that, “see something, say something” has been normalized. He also said, “We have been taught to stay in our own lane and to mind your own business.”

  The training also included providing exercises in assessing information about situations and suspects to determine if there is a potential threat.

 At theThursday morning training the instructors stated that targeted threats are different from other types of threats.

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