Letter to the Editor: Why can’t the County-wide Polling Program decision wait until after the November 5th election?

“It is the fact that the Uvalde County Elections Office does a very poor job of disseminating information to the voters during each election cycle, so that every voter that wants to vote, can vote.”

Submission by Diana Olvedo-Karau

Diana Olvedo-Karau

Uvalde County Commissioners act like the decision on whether or not to apply for the County Wide Polling Program for elections cannot wait until after this election cycle. Why?

We are in the middle of a historical presidential election with very little time to make changes to the system and assure that the system will perform as required, or even adequate time to advise the voters of this change.

The Uvalde County Elections Office has done a very poor job of disseminating information to the voters before elections, during elections and after elections.

Year after year, this has caused some voters to be turned away on election day because they are required to vote at their polling location on that day and the voter is not aware of that rule.

One commissioner I spoke too uses this as the basis for supporting the effort to approve this action; completely disregarding the fact that the problem is not the existing polling system.

It is the fact that the Uvalde County Elections Office does a very poor job of disseminating information to the voters during each election cycle, so that every voter that wants to vote, can vote.