Uvalde County Judge Mitchell calls for Special Commissioners Court meeting Monday, July 29th to vote again on Pilot Polling Program

by Michael Robinson |Uvalde Hesperian

  Uvalde County Judge Bill Mitchell scheduled a Special Uvalde County Commissioner Court Meeting to consider and act on a County-wide polling program that failed to pass due to the lack of a second at Monday’s  July 22nd Commissioner Court Meeting. The pilot polling program offered by the State of Texas, where 100 counties in Texas are participating already, would allow for voters at the Tuesday,November 5th General Election to cast a vote on Election Day at any polling location rather than just the assigned precinct of each respective registered voter.

 According to Uvalde County Elections Administrator Melissa Jones, the deadline for counties to apply for the State’s pilot polling program is July 31st. 

At Monday’s July 22nd Court meeting, County Commissioners John Yeackle and Ronnie Garza were absent leaving a threadbare quorum. 

 Commissioner Jerry Bates motioned for the agenda item but there was no second offered. 

 Citizens who spoke against the measure at last Monday’s meeting stated the Court did not provide enough time or information to County residents about the measure before the polling program would be voted on by the Court.