Uvalde CISD Board solves District Map delimma by selecting Laura Perez for the open East Zone Trustee position

By Michael Robinson| Uvalde Hesperian

After convening into closed executive session at Monday Night’s June 10th special board meeting, the District’s trustees returned to the open board session where Trustee Jacklyn Gonzales shared a glimpse of their deliberations held in private session and then made a motion for the Board to approve Laura Perez for the vacated East Zone seat considering her to be the sole candidate to be considered. The board then voted to approve Perez be hired as the East Zone board position which had been held by Annabell Rocha White prior to her resignation.

Gonzales said, “We have been faced with a difficult situation as a school district. Obviously we lost an East Zone applicant and we opened that up.”

After mentioned an early morning conversation she had with Board President Cal Lambert. She continued saying, “We reconized that there was an issue with that. We recognized the importance of the map and the zones; having an East and West Zone.

“I recognized that we do need to recognized our West Zone has representation.  Unfortunately we have to make decisions today that’s going to affect a lot of people,” Gonzales said.

She then made a motion that the board consider Laura Perez as the sole applicant for the East Zone positon. The board voted to approved the motion.

Trustee Jesse Rizo spoke after the vote saying, ” I’d like to thank the applicants. I saw the names on here and it’s nice obviously to see so many applicants with so much talent come forth and there is a;ways goiuing to be an opportunitt for yall to step up. Eventually some years from now the opportunity will come up and we hope you have the entusiasm where you can apply and run for a seat like this.

Rizo concluded by saying, “Like Jackie said, It’s right thing to do.”

Gonzales spoke again emphasizing the importance of the district map and that the West Zone needs representation She mentioned that MALDEF Decree calling for equal representation.

Trustee Javier Flores stated in his comments there were seven applicants although no names were mntioned.

Gonzales went on to say, the next school board meeting, the board will take steps to fill the West Zone seat.








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