How much is being spent to guard the Robb School Campus?

For the Year 2023, DPS will have spent $5,413,453.53 on providing round the clock security for the Robb School Campus, with over $4 million dollars of that about being overtime. 

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

  Since the May 24th, 2022 Robb School tragedy, the Texas Department of Public Safety has maintained  a 24 hour / 7 day a week presence outside of the fenced off Campus. Just a few days before Christmas this year. Uvalde Hesperian visited the Robb School Memorial at the corner of Geraldine Street and Old Carrizo Road. A Texas DPS officer was seen sitting in a patrol car parked at the drop off drive on Geraldine Street. 

  In previous visits in 2023, two Texas DPS units were seem parked along the perimeter of the Campus.

  How much is being spent to guard the empty Robb School Building? The Uvalde Hesperian wanted to know and earlier this month, the Hesperian filed a public records request to find out what Texas DPS has spent. 

 In 2022, Texas DPS books show that $1,524,368.52 was budgeted and spent.

 During the end of Year 2023, DPS will have spent $5,413,453.53 on providing round the clock security for the Robb School Campus, with over $4 million dollars of that about being overtime. 

 For the upcoming Year 2024, $554, 041.25 has been budgeted to provide security for the site. Will unbudgeted overtime pay drive the 2024 costs up?

 How long will the Robb School Campus be designated as a crime scene under investigation?

 Uvalde CISD Superintendent Gary Patterson has mentioned the District has plans to raze the buildings on the Robb School Campus, it is not known when that action will occur or what will become of the site.

Please see budget overview below: Source Texas Department of Public Safety

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