Two colors pallets blended to to reflect both the lighter tones of the area’s natural beauty of the area and the vibrant hues of the culture
On Tuesday, March 21st at 6 PM Uvalde CISD and the Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation presented to the public more detailed images of what the interior and exterior areas of the new Uvalde Elementary School will ultimately look like when the school building is completed. The meeting was held at the Herby Ham Activity Center. The March 21st presentation follows the timeline foundation is following with the public meeting presenting the schematic design of the new facility to be constructed. According to officials at the meeting, Robb Elementary School victim’s families were given an opportunity earlier that day to preview the new school images.
The new school will feature different colors designating grade levels areas. an enclosed outdoor space enclosed by the building’s structure, and an indoor gym with garage style doors leading to the outside play area. A play field will be shared by both Dalton Elementary School and the new Uvalde Elementary School.
According to the Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation’s website, the new campus will feature the following: Grades two, three, and four, 12 classrooms per grade level 120,000 square feet, 800 student capacity, Two stories Air conditioned gymnasium, Makerspace and STEM Labs, Science, Music and Art Classrooms ,Multiple Flex Areas for Instructional Support, A variety of play and recreational areas.
The District and the Foundation are working with Huckabee Inc. the architectural firm designing the new elementary school.
“The CAC was created to get input from the Uvalde community about where the new school should be built and the design of the new school. The CAC is made up of Uvalde parents, educators, community leaders, and school and district administrators. The MFF was created to raise the funds that will be necessary to build the new elementary school and to build the school. The MFF comprises eight board members, including: Mickey Gerdes, Uvalde High School Class of 1994; Luis Fernandez, UCISD school board president; and Gary Patterson, UCISD interim superintendent,” according to a press release issued by Uvalde CISD Executive Director of Communications and Marketing Anne Marie Espinoza.
A final community meeting is slated for April 17th, 2023.
