Uvalde Hesperian

Uvalde City Council: The TIRZ vote tonight: Build it and they will come?

Michael Robinson| Uvalde Hesperian


  On tonight’s agenda, the City Council will Consider authorizing execution and approval of a development agreement with Uvalde Development Company, LLC, under Chapter 212, Texas Local Government Code, relating to annexation of and provision of municipal services to approximately 112.70 acres of real property located in the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction.

  The City will vote on designating the TIRZ’s as “Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Uvalde;” describing the boundaries of the Zone; creating a Board of Directors for the Zone and appointing a Board Member as City Representative. providing an effective date and termination date for the Zone; establishing a tax increment fund.

The Pros:

 According to City Officials, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone will cover two areas consisting of 194 acres of land in/near the city. Under the TIRZ, the City would annex a portion of the land which currently lies outside of the city limits. One area will consist of a residential development paving new city streets, streetlights and infrastructure on the east side of town near Leona Street and the new Legacy Elementary School 

The second area is near Garner Field Road and consists of commercial developments.

 According to City officials, the risk of the project is on the developer as under the agreement, the City would receive a baseline value property tax for 30 years and the increased property value tax portion would go to reimburse the developer. The City would only stand to lose the increased property tax monies generated by the new development.  

According to a .pdf of the TIRZ plan posted on the City of Uvalde website it states the following pros:

Creation of the TIRZ and implementation of the Project will:
Increase the population and tax base of the area;
Remove low valued, vacant, and exempt land from the tax rolls and replace it with higher
value development.
Allow for the construction of a new class of housing for the area;
Create jobs both temporary and permanent;
Start a new model for development in the area that is more sensitive to the environment
(i.e., green spaces, curving design, etc.), is more sustainable, and provides a greater sense
of place and community with amenity living; and

Field of Dreams: Build it and they will come?

   The developer is proposing approximately 130 houses in the $250, 000 price range to be constructed on the residential development. In order for the new development to work, these houses would have to be bought. According to information gleaned from a public meeting held in December 2024, the developer is expecting newcomers from outside Uvalde to come buy these properties. These new residents would likely be employed at the Uvalde Memorial Hospital. the new MDD mental health treatment center, etc. 

  If newcomers don’t come in and buy these houses or if there is a lack of demand for residential real estate. will the newly created residential streets without houses around them and empty cul-de-sacs?

  Uvalde Resident Diana Olvedo Karau has stated that the new residential area would tax the city’s water supply, and that city, police, fire and ambulance services would be required to serve these newly developed areas.

  At the December 6th City of Uvalde Public Forum on the TIRZ, the Uvalde Hesperian asked: How welcoming is Uvalde to newcomers? Will these new residents be welcomed and accepted in the Uvalde Community?

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