Anti-Deportation protestors assemble near Alamo Plaza Saturday over President Trump’s Immigration policies


By Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

Top Photo: Anti-Immigration protestors demonstrate in front of the U.S. Federal Building in San Antonio.

 Photographs and information provided by J. Anson Bills

 Approximately 45 protestors of President Trump’s Federal Deportation Policy assembled in front of the U.S. Federal Building at the intersection of North Alamo Street and East Houston Street near the Alamo Plaza Saturday, February 8th around 2 PM. “Join us in fighting back against Trump’s Immigration policies that target both undocumented migrants and U.S. Citizens,” a Facebook post said a day prior to the protest. 

 Uvaldean J. Anson Bills, who was at the Plaza stated that Alamo Rangers who were accompanied law enforcement and supporters from the kept at a distance from the Alamo Cenotaph. Bills said over 200 Texans were there to keep the protest peaceful.

The Alamo Rangers are in charge of protecting the Alamo and the Alamo Plaza. The protestors were not allowed in these areas because the Alamo is a place to honor the Alamo Defenders.

  Bills also said several surveillance drones could be seen positioned overhead in the sky.

  Other anti-deportation protests occurred Saturday in Dallas and across the United States,