County Road Administrator Kirkpatrick reports illegal dumping incident at the CR 101 Frio River Crossing

Uvalde County Road Administrator Dee Kirkpatrick Photo Credit: Uvalde County


Michael Robinson |Uvalde Hesperian

Top Photo by Robinson

At the Monday, January 27th Uvalde County Commissioners Court meeting, Uvalde County Road Administrator Dee Kirkpatrick stated in his report to Commissioners a large pile of construction debris was found dumped near the Frio River Crossing on County Road 101 just north of Knippa.

It was suggested the area be patrolled by the Uvalde County Sheriff’s Department deputies on a regular basis.

When Kirkpatrick was asked by the Uvalde Hesperian for more details after the court adjourned, he said the construction debris dumped consisted of scrap wood and interior construction materials and had already been cleaned up. The Uvalde Hesperian visited the location earlier today and found a few scraps of wood where the illegally dumped material may have been.