U.C. Commissioners Court to hold public hearing on State accepting the County into Countywide Polling Program

Uvalde County Commissioners Court will meet on Monday, November 25th at 10 AM onthe 3rd Floor Courtroom of the Uvalde County Courthouse.

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian


The Uvalde County Commissioners Court will hold a public hearing on the successful status of the County being approved to the State’s Countywide Polling Program followed by a vote on a resolution of being accepted to the State’s Countywide Polling Program.

Commissioners will also consider a resolution supporting the County Fuel Tax Exemption.

The Texas Hill County River Region will also be presenting its 3rd Quarter report to the Court.

A video live stream of the proceedings can be viewed at (269) Uvalde County Judge – YouTube

Agenda packet for November 25, 2024