Uvalde Hesperian

Uvalde Police Department and other first responders participate in virtual Active Shooter Incident Management Training at the Civic Center

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian


Uvalde City, County and other local law enforcement officials were amoung 60 participants who met for a 3-day Active Shooter Incident Management course at the Ssgt Willie de Leon Civic Center earlier this week where officers and dispatch personal participated in High Tech shooter incident simulations on Wednesday, afternoon, September 18th where the news media was invited to observe simulated shooter scenarios where active shooters incedents occurred at a shopping mall and another at an airport.

During he simulation officers and other emergency reponders were placed at various stations inside the main auditorium of the Civic Center immersed in a first person simulations with screen and virtual reality goggles. A team of dispatchers were seated at a long table and a command center was set up.

Following the drill, Uvalde Police Department’s Public Information Officer Fernando Fernandez spoke at a mock press briefing with news media members asking questions.

According to information provided about the course on a brochure, it states:

“The 3-day course is a hands-on, performance based course designed to train, integrate and prepare responders from all emergency response organizations to effectively respond to, manage and mitigate an active shooter. active attack incident.

The training was provided by DHS\FEMA, TEEX/NERRTC and ALERRT.

City of Uvalde Assistant Chief of Police Mike Davis met with media members after the simulation where he stated its the goal of the Uvalde Police Department to make Uvalde the safest city in the United States.

The Uvalde Hesperian plans to post a news video of the event in the near future.

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