Uvalde Hesperian

Uvalde Estates resident shares his concerns about the Windmill Water Supply Corporation


Article was posted on the Uvalde Estates News and Concerns Facebook Group 

 Written by Jim Shoemaker- Republished on the Uvalde Hesperian with permission

  Good morning neighbors, my name is Jim Shoemaker. I was recently on August 22, 2024. appointed to the board of directors for Windmill Water supply corporation. I have not been to a board meeting as a director up to this time. There was a meeting scheduled for September 17, but it was postponed.

   During my short time as a director, I have found numerous things that caused me great concern, that as members of this corporation and community you should be aware of.

  If you own a meter, if the meter is in your name, you are a member of this corporation. You have a say in what goes on with Windmill Water supply corporation.

   The pictures are of a tractor that belongs to Windmill Water supply corporation that belongs to you. It was reported to me on September 9,2024 by a contractor of the company and a company employee that the tractor had been away from the property for approximately 16 to 18 months. I was told where the tractor was located. I reported to the board president that the Tractor was not on the property and where it was located now.

   He was not aware that the tractor was missing. The tractor, for some reason, was at the board secretary/ treasurer’s property. When I asked her to return the property, she refused, but she did give me the key and I set up a time with her through a text message to pick up the tractor the following day. Later that night, a deputy sheriff of Uvalde County called me to tell me that I was not allowed on her property and if I were to go there, I would be charged with criminal trespass.

   I contacted the board president which the sheriff had also contacted and asked the board president to pick up the tractor. I gave the key for the tractor to an employee at the office.

   The second picture shows the tractor back on Windmill Water Supply corporation property in Uvalde Estates. The tractor was returned to the property two weeks after it was reported to the board president that the Tractor was missing. It was returned over this past weekend, September 21 or22.

   Thank the Lord, your tractor is back where it belongs. I plan to post more info. tomorrow if I’m not in jail. I will be asking for your help in correcting this desperate situation. You will need to expand the first picture to see the front of the tractor.

   You will be shocked!!!

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