Under the Countywide Polling Program, voters would be able to cast a ballot at any precinct polling location within the County.
by Michael Robinson |Uvalde Hesperian
Top Photo: Emma Trimble voices her opposition to Uvalde County Commissioners about the new polling program. Photo by Michael Robinson
At Monday’s September 23rd Uvalde County Commissioners Court meeting, those citizens opposing the county’s decision to participate in the State of Texas Countywide polling program outnumbered those in favor of the measure.
Those opposed cited the court did not provide adequate notice about the pending decision which was decided on or very close to the day of the deadline for Texas Counties to submit their respective applications to be considered for the program. Others cited the measure could invite corruption into the voting process as various precincts would have to be digitally connected to ensure that a voter could not vote at two polling locations on the same day.
Uvalde Citizen Diana Olvedo-Karau stated she believed Uvalde County Election Coordinator Melissa Jones was not using social media effectively to inform voters about voting and where respective voter’s precincts are located.
Rhonda Vigil told the Uvalde Hesperian that citizens of Uvalde County mailed over 60 letters to the Uvalde County Commissioners with 25 letters sent via Certified Mail all expressing opposition to the Countywide Polling Program participation.
Those speaking in support of the measure stated it would make the process of voting easier on election day for voters as they could vote at any precinct rather than be required to go to their respective assigned precinct.
Uvalde County Judge William “Bill” Mitchell stated that the objections being raised have been raised before a State of Texas Legislative Session and the claims against the measure were not supported by evidence and that countywide polling is not new stating the program was introduced in 2006.