Uvalde Hesperian

Uvalde Southwest Neighborhood Association poised to address Uvalde CISD attendance and parental involvement concerns

Article submitted by J. Anson Bills: Photos by Jennifer Bills


Uvalde CISD Ashley Chohlis speaks at Uvalde Southwest Neighborhood Association meeting held on Wednesday, September 18th.

 Uvalde Southwest Neighborhood Association (UVASNA) met Wednesday evening, September 18th at the Tomas Valle American Legion Post #479 American Legion Hall and was attended by Uvalde City Representatives, Mayor Pro-Tem Everardo, “Lalo” Zamora and City Manager Vice DiPiazza; Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Board members including Superintendent Ashley Chohlis and Trustees Robert Quinones, and JJ Suarez, along with Uvalde County Republican Party Member J. Anson Bills.

  UVASNA has been working to bring grants to Uvalde City to help with keeping our streets clean, to fix our streets making them safer.

   Now they want to help UCISD with issues like school attendance and school safety.

  Superintendent Chohlis addressed the clear backpack issue as a Fourth Amendment violation. She went on to say that the clear backpacks only bring a false sense of security, but we need is a real sense of security

  After listening to the concerns from the superintendent. It became abundantly clear that the biggest issue that our school district faces is parental involvement. The school district has been asking for parent involvement so that we can start making changes together.

   Another issue is funding for the athletic groups. This does not just affect the football programs; this also affects soccer wrestling and many other sports.

  For example, Jennifer Bills asked why the wrestling team’s funding went from several thousand dollars down to $750. The answer that she got was very shocking: the clear backpacks only bring a false sense of security, but we need is a real sense of security

   Funding was cut due to school attendance.

  Combined with lack of parental involvement, you go from a great big budget down to a little budget.

   It is a parents’ job to make sure that their kids are at school like they are supposed to be. It is not the school’s job to make sure that your kids are in school like they are supposed to be. It is, however, becoming the school’s problem due to lack of parent involvement.

   Over the years parent involvement has dropped significantly. So UCISD is asking for more parent involvement.

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