Michael Robinson |Uvalde Hesperian
Wednesday, September 18th, 2024
Top Picture shared by Rotary Club of Uvalde Member Mayra Vasquez

On Saturday, September 7th, the Rotary Club of Uvalde sponsored its 20th Rotary River Rendezvous Jr. Varsity/Freshman Volleyball Tournament which drew teams from around the area to compete.
The tournament serves as an annual fundraising event for the Uvalde High School Girls’ Volleyball team. This year, the Rotary Club of Uvalde gave $1000 to the school athletic organization in addition to the admission money raised from spectators at the event. The Club also hosted a hospitality room with food/beverages and snacks for coaches, referees and volunteers during the tournament.
The monies raised from the tournament help the Uvalde High School Girls Volleyball teams with travel expenses to away games and related costs.
According to Kevin Ermis, former Rotary Club of Uvalde President, and Club Secretary, the tournament began in 2002 and was the idea of the late Rotarian Stephen Kerbow who was also an avid fan and supporter of Uvalde High School Girls Volleyball. According to Ermis, the tournament was held annually but skipped 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic.