City of Uvalde officials have not taken any action following arrest of Municipal Court Judge Richard O. Gonzales


By Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian


City of Uvalde Municipal Court Judge Richard O. Gonzales has been released from custody on a public recognizance bond according to a source.

When asked what action, if any, City of Uvalde officials have taken following the arrest of Gonzales, Uvalde City Councilman Chip King stated the city officials have not taken any action concerning the employment status of Gonzales as the City’s Municipal Court Judge.

According to a news report by WOAI NEWS 4 San Antonio, A Uvalde Municipal Court Judge is proclaiming his innocence after he and his family were arrested early Tuesday morning.

The report went on to say, Gonzales says he had no idea this substance was in his home. Despite this, he’s now facing a charge of Possession of a Controlled Substance.