Uvalde Hesperian

World’s top glider pilots take off into the wild blue yonder for the first day of FAI World Soaring Championships

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

Top Photo- Radek Cusirek representing the Czech Republic is seen taking off from Garner Field


The Uvalde Hesperian spoke to a non-participating glider pilot who provided information about the course and competition below.


 Sail planes were lined up in their competitive queues waiting for tow planes to give them a lift up into the sky to start their course for the first day of 38th FAI World Soaring Championships in Uvalde. 

 A couple of dozen people sat near the west end of the runway to watch the gliders take flight to an altitude of 2ooo feet from where they would each find the nearest thermal to lift their respective planes to higher altitudes to start their course which consists of cones or waypoints each much fly through before heading to the second cone. 

Gliders will be flying a designated course scored not for speed but for reaching each of the cone markers at an optimum time.

After all the sailplanes took to the skies, spectators looked for the glints off the gliders as they ascended on a thermal. 

A number of large dust devils could be seen spinning into respective thermals on either side of the runways.

The gliders will return to land from the north of Garner Fields between 5 PM and 6:30 PM. 

One of the best places to view the gliders coming in for a landing is on Garner Field road near the convenience store.

A tow plane tips to one wheel as he pulls a glider during take-off

A large dust devils spins up near the western runway at Garner Field

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