Strengthening The West Side

By  J. Anson Bills/Uvalde Hesperian

Saturday, August 3rd, 2024

(The Uvalde Southwest Neighborhood Association met on Saturday afternoon,  August 2nd at the Jardin de los Heroes Park)

J. Anson Bills

The Uvalde Southwest Neighborhood Association is working to get grants for the much neglected West Side of Uvalde City.

  By getting the citizens to stand up and having their voices heard, Simon Ortiz and Priscilla Moreno have been working diligently with City officials to improve the infrastructure of the West Side.

  Just because this is their main concern, it does not mean that this is the only concern that is on the table.

  They are trying to prevent another tax increase on the citizens of Uvalde that will be imposed by the school district due to the lack of attendance.

  They have gotten assistance from organizations that reside on the West Side. Precinct chair 13 of the Uvalde County Republican Party and Sergeant at Arms Anson Bills was congratulated for his efforts in getting signage that says slow deaf child area and requesting more signage throughout the City.