There were well over 100 people in attendence at Wednesday’s 20 Building anniversary, ground breaking ceremony and grand Finale of the Library’s Summer Reading Program.according to Mendell Morgan
by Michael Robinson |Uvalde Hesperian
Wednesday, July 31st, 2024
A special outdoor ceremony was held outside on the front lawn of the El Progreso Memorial Library Wednesday Morning at 10 AM marking the 20th Building Anniversary and Ground Breaking. Library Director Tammie Sinclair spoke as well as former Library Director Mendell Morgan and the library’s board president Byron Capt and special guest speaker Shelly C. Lowe, a citizen of the Navajo nation and Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities in Washington DC.
There were well over 100 people in attendence at Wednesday’s 20 Building anniversary, ground breaking ceremony and grand Finale of the Library’s Summer Reading Program, according to Mendell Morgan,
“Six of us went back over RSVPs, name tags and visual perusal of all the photos and videos so I am very sure of our numbers since we knew almost everyone there between us!
We also had several hundred children and parents inside who came for Mark Fuller’s special summer Pecos Bill Story Hour, balloon twisting and face painting. That was all followed by the end of Summer Reading Program prize drawings and celebration. It was a Big Day for the library on several fronts, “Mendell Morgan said.