Once an Eagle: Remembering Uvalde Author and Publisher Lena Marina Garcia

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

Top Picture: from Lena “Marina” Garcia’s Facebook Page

Lena “Marina” Garcia (far right) interviews Texas State Senator Roland Gutierrez (left)

The following contains personal remembrances working for Lena “Marina” Garia as one of several layout editors of the Uvalde Eagle-News- Michael Robinson

 Children’s book author and publisher of the Uvalde Eagle-News, Lena “Marina”Garcia passed away on June 23, 2024, at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston according to a report in the Sunday, July 14th issue of the Uvalde Leader-News.

 After working at Uvalde’s La Voz Newspaper, she started her own publication, the Uvalde Eagle News. a 16 page tabloid size newspaper that featured Garcia’s commentary on news and observations about Uvalde from Gracia’s perspective as well as several regular features like, “Would You Believe?” “What is Wrong with People Anyway?“, “West Side Squirrels“, “Lovestruck and Other Things”, “The Latest News from Catsville“, “Cat Tales”, “The Unrated Conversation“, “News from Around the World,” and the “Belligerent Cat.”

Garica would also publish guest submissions affording anyone an platform. regardless of their respective political ideology.

  After the Uvalde La Voz ceased being published, Garia set out to launch her own newspaper.  She mentioned that she was told by some, she would never succeed.  Despite the naysayers, she kept her monthly publication going for over 10 years.

   Garcia always had something to say and she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. Garcia was passionate about writing and she had the guts to publish articles others wouldn’t. 

  As her hired layout editor during 2020, I would make an effort to correct the typos and misspellings in her draft articles. I recall her saying that she wasn’t overly concerned about having some errors in her newspaper as it proved that a real person wrote the article. 

   Garcia was known by many City, County and even State officials and would often meet with Uvalde County Judge”William” Bill Michell and City of Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin.  



Uvalde County Judge William “Bill” Mitchell

  Judge Mitchell told the Uvalde Hesperian that Garcia would sometimes show up at the door of the Uvalde County Courthouse early in the morning and the two would meet and have lengthy conversations. Mitchell said that Garcia would be missed. 

    In her regular pieces, Cat Tales and News from Catsville, Garcia would observe the many cats and kittens that resided on her property or would visit her cats. Many of her cat stories were hilarious and some were sad. She seemed to get interesting content from the ever changing escapades of her cats. These stories were like novellas or soap operas but featuring cats.

   During the Pandemic of 2020, Marina wrote numerous pieces voicing her skepticism about the existence Covid-19 virus.

   Garcia was a devoted Catholic and believer in Jesus Christ. In every issue I remember, she had an article featuring a story from the Bible.  Maria also always saved space for a picture of the Virgin of Guadalupe. 

   In her column, “West Side Squirrels” She wrote about her children who have long since grown up. 

  Some people thought Garica was a nut. I believe she was eccentric and determined. 

   One article of “What is Wrong with People Anyway?” She took a picture at the Uvalde Post Office showing the back of a man’s head with the man wearing a pair of sunglasses facing backwards. 

    At the time of the publication, I thought she was safe from any backlash as the picture only showed the back of  the man’s head. I was wrong. 

   In the days that followed the paper being distributed. She told me she received numerous calls from the man’s family members who were offended that she published the picture and wrote a satirical article about him. 

  I remember her saying on several occasions when discussing corruption, she said, “Everybody wants to be Hitler.” I still use that Marina-ism sometimes. 

    Garica was able to attract more than several loyal customers who stuck with her and the Uvalde Eagle-News.She also had many friends.

   For me, Marina Garcia’s personality was an acquired taste but over time I did enjoy our phone conversations and considered her a friend even though like other editors, I was fired after laying out the Uvalde Eagle News for a little over a year. 

  Uvalde lost a local columnist that actually pursued her writing passion despite having to scrape up the money each month needed to pay the printer and the editor. 





Thoughts of others about Lena “Marina; Garcia

Former El Progreso Library Director Mendell Morgan

  Former El Progreso Memorial Library Director Mendell Morgan 

“Marina Garcia was truly an ‘original’. She had a unique and very personal viewpoint on the world and was not afraid to express her opinions.

She was very loyal and a gifted writer of children’s books which told amazing stories based on her eclectic background and observations with positive messages for young readers. She will be missed.”




Former City of Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin

Former City of Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin:

“She called it like she saw it. She’d write stories about me. She’d visit me. She was one of those bright lights in the community. She will be missed.”