City denys zoning change request to accomodate fuel tanks: Civic Center Electioneering Ordinance changes approved

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

Top Photo: Two bulk storage tanks that had been temporarily moved to property owned by Dr. Jeff Curtis.

After an extended discussion on the zoning change request made by Dr. Jeff Curtis to change the zoning of a property he owns from Residential 4 to Factory/Industrial division 1. The property in question is located at 201 East Oak Street in the Old Town Subdivision. Curtis requested the City to make the zoning change so bulk fuel storage tanks which were located at a property owned by Texas Farm Store across the street less than a block away. 

 The zoning change was ultimately denied by the City Council.

Councilman Ernest “Chip” King spoke in favor of the request stating gas stations are located near residential areas already and that the fuel tanks would fall under stricter state regulations than the City’s ordinances.

Councilman Hector R. Luevano voiced his concerns about the fuel tanks being located near multi-family homes where children and elderly residents reside and he mentioned the tanks would be a hazard.

According to information provided by Curtis, his intent was to locate the bulk fuel tanks on his property near an alley or road where farm and commercial trucks as well as Uvalde EMS ambulances would refuel. Dr. Curtis said he planned to sell his property to a third party who would manage the bulk fuel tank business.

Dr. Curtis argued that the tanks would only be moved less than a block from where they originally were located and on Oak Street. Curtis pointed out that the Star Cleaner’s property also located nearby on Oak Street was already zoned for Industrial Use.

Director of Planning and Community Development Susan Anderson said of the 22 certified letters the City had mailed to nearby property owners informing them of the proposed zoning change, one response from a property owner in favor of the zoning change and two letters from property owners were mailed back against the change citing the smell the tanks would create. 

Councilman Luevano said the fuel tanks would be accessible 24 hours a day.

Luevano also stated he  visited two residents in person and both were against the zoning change.

   According to Anderson, the City’s Planning and Zoning Committee  had denied the request for the zoning change in a mixed vote. Because the change had been denied,  the Council would have to have a super majority vote to approve the zoning change. Councilman King made motion to approve the change but the no council person seconded the motion. The measure died without a vote.



City votes for changing Ssgt. Willie de Leon Civic Center Electioneering Ordinances requested by Civic Center Manager

The Uvalde City Council voted to approved the following Civic Center Electioneering Ordinance:

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Electioneering Ordinance and Rules

According to City Attorney Alexandra T Wegrzyn, the electioneering ordinance would carry the penalty of a fine being imposed for non-compliance.

Additional actions approved by the City Council

May 24th established as a day of remembrance

The Council voted to approve a resolution establishing a day of remembrance in the City of Uvalde.

Uvalde Southwest Neighborhood Association Grant Search Procurement and Implementation Committee Members approved:

Grant Search, Procurement, and Implementation Committee (GSPI).

Mr. Simon E Ortiz – USNA Citizen Committee Member, Chair Person

Ms. Priscilla Rodriguez – USNA Citizen Committee Member

Mr. Alfred Hernandez – USNA Citizen Committee Member

Mr. Richard Jones –  At- Large Citizen Committee Member

Mr. Stephen Balke – At Large Citizen Committee Member

Mr. Rafael Arias-Staff Appointment

Mrs. Sorayda A. Sanchez-Staff Appointment

Mr. Felix Castillo-Staff Appointment

Mr. Vince DiPiazza-Staff Appointment