Uvalde Hesperian

Slain Robb teacher’s sister Velma Duran responds to the news that Pete Arredondo and Adrian Gonzales bonded out of jail.

  “My sister Irma had that (courage) in spades using her body to protect her students and sacrificing her life. No training, no weapon, just pure love and a responsibility to protect her innocent students.”

by Michael Robinson : Uvalde Hesperian

   Irma Garcia’s sister, Velma Duran issued the following statement to the Uvalde Hesperian on the news that Former Uvalde CISD School Police Chief Pete Arredondo and Uvalde CISD Officer Adrian Gonzales were allowed to post a surety bond in order to be released from custody. A recent grand jury decision to level criminal charges against both Arredondo and Gonzales being arrested and booked into the Uvalde County Jail. 

  Irma Garica and Eva Mireles were the two Robb Elementary Teachers  killed along with 19 children during the May 24th, 2022 school tragedy. 

 ” I am completely infuriated that Pete Arredondo and Adrian Gonzales were indicted only to turn around and post bail knowing they have innocent blood in their hands. That shouldn’t have been an option in this egregious case.

  Every single person in that hallway should be indicted and charged with a more severe offense without bail and rot in jail for not running towards the shooting and stop the killing of innocent children and teachers.

  They had the training, the gear, the weapons to neutralize the shooter. They lacked the courage and responsibility they signed up for.

  My sister Irma had that in spades using her body to protect her students and sacrificing her life. No training, no weapon, just pure love and a responsibility to protect her innocent students. She was a 4th grade teacher who Protected and Served her students to her death.

  These cowards are still walking free. How is that justice? There better be more indictments because this is just another assault on our families. May God’s wrath reign over them when they take their last breath on earth. That would be my justice,”Duran said.

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