Uvalde Hesperian

City to bill over $18K to property owner if property isn’t brought up to code standards

 “The other property owners are basicially if you get that one cleaned we’ll mow ours.” Maldonado said

Photo from Google Maps

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

Yop Picture: screenshot from City of Uvalde livestream

Several properties located on the North Side of Uvalde were brought to the attention of the Uvalde City Council by Code Enforcement Officer Juanita Maldonado pertaining to the privately owned laned being out of compliance with the City’s code. The Council’s agenda item was to consider accepting bids for mowing and cleaning property located in North Uvalde.

The properties in question are located along East Daniel Street. East Pacific Street, Shook Street and West Brazos Street.

One tract of land which consisting of seven property ID’s of landis located near Knox Street  and East Daniel Street is owned by GWM PARTNERS LLP out of Beaumont, Texas. According to the list of bids the City received for this set of parcels, the lowest bid is 18,500.00.

“A couple of months ago we had a gentleman come in requesting lots to be mowed ny the City.These are acreage and I have sent it out for bid and it is exceeding my budget for lot mowing. My current budget is $6000. I’m halfway done there,” Maldonado said.

Acording to Madonado the properties consist of four different tracts owned by four owners

Uvalde City Manager Vice DiPiazza said several months ago the City requested the City Attorney get in contact with the owners.

“If they would come in an contact us we could work something out with them,”Piazza said.

“The other property owners are basicially (saying), if you get that one cleaned we’ll mow ours.” Maldonado said

According to Dipiazza, the city can take the property owners to court, or the city can mow it and then bill the property owners for the work.

If the bill is not paid, the city can place a lean on the property Maldondo said





List of bids the City Received for mowing and cleaning properties deemed out of code compliance with the City.

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