Uvalde County 4-H seeking volunteers to inspire youth in various projects

by Michael Robinson |Uvalde Hesperian

  Uvalde County 4-H is seeking volunteers to share their knowledge and passion on topics including photography, gardening, baking/cooking, floral design, fashion/sewing,  STEM/Robotics. public speaking, meat judging and livestock judging. 

 “4-H members have expressed interest in these projects; however, we do not have any leaders for them.  Leaders do not have to be officially educated in these areas, they just need to have an interest and a passion that they are willing to share.  They could do as little as one “workshop” in the fall and one in the spring if they choose.  Or more if they are able,” Uvalde County Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office Administrative Assistant Tammy Woodbridge.

Interested volunteers can reach the Uvalde County Extension Office as 830-278-6661.