City of Uvalde to decide Tuesday night if a special election will be needed to fill mayor’s seat

Uvalde City Council to meet on Tuesday, May 28th at 6PM. Check the City of Uvalde’s Facebook page for link to the livestream.

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

The City of Uvalde City Council may decide to call a special election for the vacant City Mayor’s seat.   Cody Smith was elected  November  8th, 2023 and served as Mayor until April 1st when he submitted his resignation to the City over medical concerns.  On Tuesday nights. May 28th agenda, the Council will make decisions on the election calendar for mayor.

If a special election is called to fill Smith’s unexpired term, the newly elected Mayor would likely only serve for several months until the next regular election slated for November 2024,

The City will also consider a resolution for the Rotary Club of Uvalde’s splash pad project which the service organization is currently fundraising to build in Uvalde.

Special Recognition

Jimmy Joe Howard will be receive recognition by the City Council for his years of service to the community




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Regular Council - May 28 2024 - Agenda - Pdf