by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian
Two years ago, May 24th fell on a Tuesday. Today, May 24th is on a Friday leading into the Memorial Day Weekend. While some refer to the day as the two year anniversary, some victim’s family members have taken issue with the term “anniversary” being used to refer to that tragic day. Instead, they prefer the day to be called the “two-year mark”
Driving into Uvalde this morning from Knippa, several the Texas DPS patrol units were seen along the side of U.S. Highway 90. Several TV news crews were seen set up on the Downtown Plaza. About 10:30 AM people holding orange flags were seen heading towards the sidewalk along Main Street near the busy interestion of U.S. 83 and U.S 90. Several dozen people joined Robb School Teacher Arnufo “Arnie”Reyes holding orange flags. Reyes is a victom and survivor of the Robb School Tragedy.
According to Jimmy Alvarado who accompanyed Reyes holding an orange flag, the Orange Flags represent the movement to end gun violence. Gun Violence Awareness Day will be observed on June 7th, 2024 with June also being Gun Violence Awareness Month.
After leaving the Uvalde Downtown Plaza area, the Uvalde Hesperian headed over to the Robb School Campus. A small group was seen praying together near the shroueded fenceline nearest to the building where the massacre occcured two years ago. Several people were seen at the corner where the Robb School Marquis and memorial crosses stand. A lone man was seen intently gazing at the pictures of the two Robb School Teachers Irma Garcia and Eva Mireles who perished two years ago along with 19 students.
There were at least four DPS patrol units seen parked around the school.
One year ago today, Uvalde was brimming with DPS officers and police from around the state and even from other states.
The story of today will continue as the day is not yet over.
Later this evening from6 PM to 7 PM a Community Prayer Vigil will be held at the Uvalde County Fairplez hosted by the Uvalde Ministerial Alliance.
At 7:30 PM tonight, the Robb Candlelight Vigil will be held at the Uvalde Amphitheature 323 E. Nopal Street, Uvalde, Texas 78801 starting at 7:30 PM