Painting helps Robb School victim/survivor Amy Franco express her inner self

Amy Franco holds one of her most recent paintings which depicts the transformation that has occurred.

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

  Emilia Amy Franco was at El Progreso Memorial Library on Monday Morning May 20th with her paintings along with over a dozen supporters.

  Franco is the Library’s featured artist for the month of May. Franco who is a victim and survivor of the May 24th, 2022 Robb Elementary Tragedy. About a year after the tragedy. Amy began painting to express her feelings and struggles onto the canvas and found art to be a therapeutic outlet of to expression.

“I was just at home one day. I needed to do something to keep my mind off of that day.” 

  Her first painting was of sunflowers which was depicted on three frames. She stated she loves sunflowers and loves to paint bright things. Her art collection also consists of darker images. She stated that sometimes that is how she feels. 

 “I wish I could let all that emotion out and just keep it out. but we know that can’t happen,” Franco said. 

  One of her paintings in her collection depicts the Eiffel Tower. She stated she shared the painting on  Facebook and asked, “Who wants to go to Paris?” The title of the painting: Two Tickets to Paris.

  Franco said she plans to continue painting and would love to open up an art gallery.

  Don’t close yourself in if you are struggling with depression, she said it was important not to close yourself in.  Painting allows her to open up.

  “If one day you find yourself wanting to paint, please reach out to me, we can plan a day of healing together,” Franco said according to a El Progreso Library Facebook post.

Amy Franco (center) stands with two art buyers.