Uvalde CISD board to meet Wednesday, May 22nd to possibly accept a resignation tendered by a School Board Member

Uvalde CISD Board of Trustees meeting has been called for Wednesday evening, May 22nd at 6 PM to be held in the Central Office Conference Room

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

  A Training Meeting of the Uvalde CISD Board of Trustees meeting has been called for Wednesday evening, May 22nd at 6 PM to be held in the Central Office Conference Room located at 1000 N. GETTY, UVALDE, TX 78801.

 While the meeting is billed as a training meeting, the agenda items listed indicate that a member of the board may have submitted his/her resignation. 

  It is not known which board member may have submitted his/her resignation. 

 The agenda calls for the board to begin with the opening ceremonial observances followed by an Open Forum. 

 The board will reconvene into a closed executive session followed by a return to an opening meeting where the board will consider and act on the following:

  1. Consider and take possible action to accept the resignation of a School Board Member.
    B. Consider, discuss and possible appointment of candidate for appointment to fill vacancy on the School Board.
    C. Consider and discuss directives for Board attorneys regarding possible board response to public comments.

 Following these items, the board will conduct a training meeting.