Police Chief Delgado informs City Council migrant involved car chases are a daily occurance

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

 At tonight’s Tuesday, May 14th Uvalde City Council meeting, Uvalde Chief of Police Homer Delgado responded to questions from Councilman Hector Luevano regarding the border issues and undocumented migrant chases. 

The City Council was considering an agenda item about declaring a local state of disaster due to the immigration crisis. At previous City Council meetings, the City Council has routinely renewed the declaration.

 When asked how frequently the department chases stolen vehicles  or vehicles involved in human trafficking, Delgado said it occurs on a daily basis and the majority of situations involve migrants. He said, just yesterday the Uvalde PD assisted another law enforcement agency on a pursuit on Highway 55. He said his department put down spike strips but fortunately the fleeing vehicle turned off the highway before it hit them. 

The City Council voted to approve the Disaster Declaration at tonight’s meeting.