Uvalde Hesperian

Homeless campers issued “Notice to Vacate” by the City

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian 

  Tuesday morning March 26th, the Uvalde Police Department officers posted a “Notice to Vacate” on its Facebook Page, an indication the City of Uvalde was taking action to clear the homeless encampments 

which exists just south of Uvalde Memorial Park about a 10th of a mile down a dirt road along the Leona River.  Upon seeing the notice on Facebook, the Uvalde Hesperian went to Uvalde Memorial Park and saw four Uvalde Police Department units parked on the parking lot nearest to the location of the campsites. Several officers were seen returning to their units.  According to one of the officers, the campers were served the aforementioned notice to vacate, giving the approximate half dozen to a dozen homeless campers notice they must pack up and leave. 

 The officer continued staying and the department has received numerous complaints from a nearby neighborhood, businesses and the Uvalde Memorial Golf Course. 

The Uvalde Police Department posted the following on its Facebook Page

  “Effective 04/05/2024, 10 days from now, the City will be enforcing Texas Penal Code 48.05, which prohibits camping in certain public areas. This measure is in place to ensure the safety, cleanliness, and accessibility of our public spaces for all residents.

  We understand that homelessness is a complex issue, and our aim is to balance the needs of our entire community while also providing support and resources to those in need. To assist individuals affected by this enforcement, we urge anyone experiencing homelessness to connect with local shelters, outreach programs, and social services for assistance and support.

  For those who require additional information or assistance, please reach out to the Uvalde Police Department.”

 According to Councilman Chip King who had gone down to the camps a few weeks ago accompanied by Mayor Cody Smith, he said, “Basically most don’t want to leave.”
King stated, I offered to pay to put them on a bus to San Antonio where there are homeless shelters and other services but few seemed interested.

King had researched the property maps and confirmed the homeless campers are situated on city-owned property.

Chip said he and other city officials along with the Uvalde Police Department came up with a plan based on what they could do legally to remove the campers.

 One of the first campers known as Mike, who is originally from Michigan set his camp up there out of necessity. According to Mike, who lived in his truck, it was parked in the parking lot of a nearby Dollar General Store and while he was in town, the manager of the store called the cops and had them tow his truck away back in the fall of last year. According to Mike, he tried for several months to try to come up with the three to four hundred dollars needed to get his truck back from the impound lot.  The Uvalde Hesperian met with Mike Tuesday evening, March 26th and he said he lost his truck and all of his possessions because he couldn’t come up with money needed to get his truck back. 

Mike said, while he has been living there, he has worked to clean up the trash and clear the trail area for bikers and others. 

Mike, who has some health problems, gets some help from locals and also finds food and other items by dumpster diving. When asked what he will do when he finally has to pack up and leave the site, he said already has a plan in mind. He said word got out about him camping there and others started setting up campsites too.  One neighbor of his, he said, was using drugs and was possibly bi-polar. A few months ago, the neighbor thought Mike broke into his tent. The neighbor came over and confronted him and at one point held a knife against Mike’s throat.  Mike reported the guy and he is no longer there.

Mike said there have been many locals who have come to the area looking for illegal drugs or to hang out thinking it’s a party scene. He also said when word got out about the encampments, many locals would walk down the trail to gawk at the campers. 

He went on to say he has received help from numerous people in town but others are just mean.

While visiting the site. The Uvalde Hesperian saw several other homeless people passing along the dirt trail.



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