Submitted by Jennifer Gilliland
Mayor and Council:
I have missed only a handful of meetings over the past 2 years. I have heard a lot of bull shit in my life, but Thursday takes the cake, not only are we expected to smile but swallow it too.
The independent investigator the city hired for a million dollars is the equivalent of booking a high-priced hooker who whispers sweet nothings to you all. I thought the goal of the investigation was to identify and acknowledge the mistakes made on May 24, 2022, so we all can do better. Instead, we hear that all policies were followed and all UPD officers are cleared of any wrongdoing, then Mr. Prado has audacity to blame crowd control really!
I have always loved Uvalde, but lately I am so frustrated, disappointed, and embarrassed by the lack of leadership shown and acted upon in this city and county.
I continue to give each of you the benefit of the doubt that you will act and the only action I see is you protecting yourselves.
We all know right from wrong and should have the integrity to do the right thing no matter what. These parents should not have to attend every meeting and beat a dead horse for action that should have been taken immediately following the shooting. Has it occurred to anyone to acknowledge the failures and apologize for them as well? It will not bring anyone back, but it may help. Apparently, I am not the only one with brain damage around here!
Thanks for your time.