by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian
The City of Uvalde City Council endured an hour of intense and often emotionally charged criticism from Robb Elementary School victim’s family members and community members who took turns speaking at the podium Tuesday night, March 12th at the Ssgt. Willie de Leon Civic Center.
With a larger than usual attendance for regularly scheduled city council meetings and about a half dozen television cameras set up behind the rows of seats for attendees, the City Council started its meeting by immediately convening into closed executive session for nearly an hour before Mayor Cody Smith and City Councilman returned to their seats.
A long list of people signed up before the meeting to speak but the Council set a limit of one hour to hear public comments and each presenter was given 5 minutes to speak.
Kimberly Rubio, joined by her husband Felix Rubio was the first to speak, taking only 20 seconds. She said, “As far as the Chief’s resignation. That doesn’t absolve ya’ll of ya’ll’s responsibility to terminate the three officers I mentioned last week: Javier Martinez, Louis Landry and Edwardo Canales.”
Following Rubio’s talk, Brett Cross approached the podium. “While we’re here doing this, there is a family out there celebrating their child’s 12th birthday today at the cemetery and ya’ll still can’t give us answers.”
*See video below*
“Y’all told us last week y’all were going to give us some damn answers and you’re still not giving us answers. Do y’all accept it or not?”
Mayor Cody Smith responded saying, “I’m gonna break the rules. So I understand, I understand completely Brett how you feel. We gotta have some more time man. I gotta have some more time. We have to have more time. I know y’all are sick of it. Ya’ll are sick of the can getting kicked down the road. I feel ya, but we’ve got to have more time.”
“One thing that’s been a constant since 2022 is the constant requests for transparency and accountability,” Diana Olvedo-Karau said.

“ Leadership failures are on your shoulders. When I came to the special meeting of the City Council last week was a failure of leadership.” How can you allow that report be presented without any knowledge of what’s in it?
The information wasn’t really presented; it was a defense, a defense these families weren’t ready to hear. It totally and completely derailed the families ability to understand.
Someone had to be the point person with Mr. Prado. Leadership failure Started right here,”Olvedo- Karau said

Vincent Salazar, the grandfather of Layla Salazar, one of the 19 Robb School massacre victims spoke saying, “The shooter’s target was high school seniors who would be visiting Robb School. The shooter got his days mixed up. Salazar brought up Mayor Smith having a son wearing the number 21 as a high school senior.