Aggressive dog roaming into the City Limits surrendered by its owner after mauling family’s chihuahua

Aggressive dog that was on the loose roaming into the Uvalde City limits from the County.

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

Top Pic: Jarman Family’s Pet Buttercup

  City of Uvalde resident Roxanne Jarman spoke to the Uvalde City Council Tuesday night, February 27th asking for help with what appears to be a boxer type breed of dog that attacked a beloved family pet Buttercup, severing the smaller dog’s back requiring the family transport it to to the vet to be euthanized. 

According to Jarman, the dog resides outside of the City Limits and continued to run loose despite repeated calls to the Uvalde Police Department for help. 

   Jarman submitted the following statement to the Uvalde Hesperian on Wednesday, February 28th: “It happened around 3:00 on Friday, Feb. 15th. I live on the northside of town. The Police Chief told me last night that the dog would be picked up today.

   But this morning an officer called and said that they 1st have to get in touch with the city attorney to see how to handle it because the dog’s residence is out of city limits. The incident happened in city limits.

    I found out from the officer this morning that there have been multiple calls/complaints on this dog and another one at the residence as being vicious. So why wasn’t something ever done about it?

    If it had been done, my sweet Buttercup would still be alive.”  

    Jarman reported to the Uvalde Hesperian on Friday, March 1st,  she learned recently from a City of Uvalde  animal control officer the aggressive dog had been surrendered by its owner.