Uvalde CISD: A fairwell to faculty appliances? Followup questions on School Board meeting answered by the District

Uvalde CISD Teachers’ classroom coffee makers and other appliances to be removed by Spring Break. District plans on supplying replacements at designated “hubs” at each of the campuses

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

Top image is a screen shot from the Uvalde CISD livestream

(The following article was posted on the Uvalde Hesperian Facebook page on an issue brought up in the Uvalde CISD Superintendents Report Monday, February 12th. 

The Uvalde Hesperian contacted the District with follow up questions about this topic and others discussed at last week’s Uvalde CISD School Board meeting.)

   The Morales’ microwave fire prompted Superintendent Ashley Chohlis to recommend sweeping changes affecting personal microwaves, coffee makers and refrigerators. The District plans on replacing teacher

and staff owned appliances with ones provided by the District action to be implemented by Spring Break week although the deadline may be extended. A District trustee cites teachers’ long hours at school and low teacher’s pay making these appliances a necessity.

 Locations or “hubs”for these appliances to be discussed.

 Superintendent Chohlis gives a response to the Department of Justice Report, provides an update on the Morales Student handgun incident, announces grade realignment plan for Uvalde 6th Grade to the Morales Campus and provides a date for the start of construction on the new elementary school.


Uvalde Hesperian Q and A with the Uvalde CISD Superintendent’s Office

 1. Someone brought up the concern about drones. Has there been an issue with drones flying over the school campuses? Just curious what the concern is about drones.

    Uvalde CISD: No, there has not been an issue with drones.  It is best practice to have a policy in place prior to having any issues including safety issues such as cameras, hazardous items on

   campuses, explosives or poisonous substances.

 In the superintendent’s report, Superintendent Chohlis discussed coffee makers, refrigerators, and microwaves, brought in by teachers and other staff members and how they would be replaced by the District and that switch over would occur by spring break 2024.

   Uvalde CISD: The goal is to have these items by spring break.

Does the school have the funds to purchase the needed refrigerators, coffee makers and microwaves for teachers and staff? Are those items currently available in staff and teacher breakrooms?

 Uvalde CISD: Yes, we need more so all staff have space to store lunches.  PTO and activity funds will cover the cost of the additional items.