by Michael Robinson | Uvade Hesperian : Picture by Robinson
Earlier today, Thursday, February 1st, Uvalde CISD received information a student may have brought a gun onto the Morales Jr. High Campus. A San Antonio news station reporter informed the Uvalde Hesperian a call was received from a parent who said their son told them that someone allegedly has a gun on the campus of Morales Junior High.
The Uvalde Hesperian spoke with an employee of the district who said officials had secured the gun.
The following letter from Uvalde CISD Superintendent Ashley Chohlis was sent out to parents of students earlier today:
“February 1, 2024
To Our Uvalde CISD Parents & Guardians,
This letter is to inform you that a Morales Junior High student brought a handgun to school
today. Our school is committed to the safety and education of all our students. We want to
communicate with parents about safety issues when they arise.
The campus officer received a report from a student of the weapon in possession. The student
was identified, and the weapon was confiscated. The student in control of the handgun showed a
few students; please know it was not used to threaten students.
As with all matters of student safety, we have taken this very seriously. This act is a violation of
law and the Student Code of Conduct. The students face disciplinary action and have been
removed from the campus.
Please discuss this incident with your child/children and emphasize that it is against the law to
bring weapons of any type to school. In addition, please highlight the importance of telling you
or a staff member if your child ever becomes aware of a weapon on district property. This way,
we are all working together to keep our school safe. Only by working as a school community in
partnership with parents can we create and maintain the level of safety that we want for our
children and that they deserve.”