Volunteer Salvation Army bell ringers are needed to help the organization raise money that stays here helping out local community
by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian
Top Picture: Mayra Vasquez and her family volunteering as Salvation Army Bell ringers outside of the Uvalde Walmart. Picture used with permission
The sound of the Salvation Army bell ringing will be filling the air once again in Uvalde this weekend and next weekend in front of the Uvalde Walmart Friday, Saturdays and Sundays. Bell Ringers are needed to volunteer for shifts according to Mendell Morgan the treasurer of the Uvalde Salvation Army Unit.
“We are once again putting the Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign on in Uvalde. We need bell ringers to cover shifts from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday this week and next,” Morgan said.
He went on to say they may have enough volunteers but next weekend right before Christmas there is a need for bell ringers.
According to Morgan, the Salvation Army brought a truck to Uvalde immediately following the Robb School Tragedy on May 24th, 2024 and provided free hot meals and all sorts of assistance to our hurting community for weeks. “I know what they do what they say they will do,” he said.
” And, ALL of the money donated here stays here. I personally empty the kettles, deposit the proceeds to our fee-free account at the First State Bank and, as Treasurer, write the checks to cover bills people are having trouble paying (these are checks to the company or individual owed such as utilities, rent, medical bills) based on the applications submitted to me,” Morgan said.
” People are donating, even today, but we need a much more robust response,” he said.
To volunteer, please call or text Mendell Morgan at 210-355-8562
