Uvalde Hesperian

The Border: Undocumented migrants scale box car barriers using ladders: Migrants seen walking along US Highway 90 near Uvalde

Image shared by Anson J. Grimm

 by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian; Top Picture submitted by Anson J. Grimm

 Location: Under the International Bridge in Eagle Pass Texas

  Waves of migrants arrived at the U.S. / Mexico Border this past week seen crossing the Rio Grande River under one of two International Bridges.

Anson J. Grimm who recently visited the Border accompanied by Republican  Candidate Jameson Ellis who is running against incumbent Dan Crenshaw for the U.S. House of Representatives District 2 seat.

  Grimm said that migrants could be seen scaling the box cars using ladders.

  On Friday, December 1st, Uvalde County Constable Emmanuel Zamora posted a video and report on Facebook showing migrants walking along Highway 90 near  Uvalde traveling eastbound toward San Antonio.

Zamora wrote: “Video shared by Uvalde residents is currently circulating social media platforms of several individuals in small to large groups walking towards Uvalde County on HWY 90 West. An influx of processed immigrants have been observed in our community in recent days and over the holidays. Some have been reported by Walmart and convenience stores around town.”

On Saturday, December 2nd, the following was reported on Facebook by Raul Rivas III:

“1:14 pm UVALDE PD in pursuit inside city limits, S Grove, Juarez, Diaz, Nicolas, currently on Sylvester Street

1:15 pm update officers lost visual, search in the area, multiple officers in the area”

Still image from a video posted on Facebook by Emmanual Zamora


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