Acclaimed authors, Chef Carino Cortez and Paloma Cortez, will be reading from their beloved children’s book, “Camilla la Magica,” on Saturday, December 2nd from 10 AM to 12 PM.
We look forward to hosting, with El Progreso Library, acclaimed authors, Chef Carino Cortez and Paloma Cortez, with readings from their beloved children’s book, “Camilla la Magica,” on Saturday, December 2nd from 10 AM to 12 PM.
“Camilla la Magica” is a heartwarming tale that intertwines magic, culture, and the power of imagination. The readings, offered in both English and Spanish, promise an enchanting experience for children of all ages.
All children in attendance will leave with their own copy of the book and will also be offered a delicious snack of “Abuelita” hot chocolate and tamales.
10:00 – 11:00 am – in English
-Special Book Reading by Authors: Chef Carino Cortez & Paloma Cortez
-Coloring & Superhero Capes
-Tamales and “Abuelita” Hot Chocolate
11:00 – Noon – en Español
-Lectura especial de los Autores: Chef Carino Cortez & Paloma Cortez
-Arte para colorear y capas de superhéroes
-Tamales y chocolate caliente “Abuelita
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