Uvalde Hesperian

Media in unexpected places: City of Uvalde HR Manager Rodriguez publishes monthly “Toilet Talk” at City of Uvalde restrooms

Larissa Valverde Rodriguez

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian ; Toilet Talk provided by Larissa Valverde Rodriguez : Top Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

  Media can be found in some unexpected places. While fueling up at Tex Best on East Main Street in Uvalde,  you are likely to see a video screen on the fuel pump featuring GSTV also called Gas Station TV where for a few minutes you might see Maria Menounos, sharing tips for improving physical health, emotional wellness, spirituality, finances, relationships and more.

 If you are heading to Walmart this holiday season to buy gifts or groceries you may hear what sounds like a live radio station broadcast, but it’s not from a traditional radio station, but rather Walmart World Radio Podcast where shoppers can hear music, a live DJ and even callers who call the show. On the iHeart Radio webpage, it had the following information on the Walmart Podcast: “It brings the beat to your break, the swing to your sales floor. It’s that friendly voice late at night and a shot of motivation in the early morning. It’s your source for the latest music, news and company updates. It’s the Walmart World Radio Network! Learn more and listen live at www.WalmartWorld.com.”

  The workplace restroom is the one place where most people have a few moments of solitary time during a busy workday. City of Uvalde Human Resources Manager Larissa Rodriguez publishes a monthly one-page newsletter found in the men’s room and women’s room located at the Uvalde City Hall.  The publication is called Toilet Talk

“In regard to the newsletters, I was first introduced to the topic while at a Texas Municipal Human Resources Association (TMHRA) conference. During one of our sessions the topic of relaying messages to employees, especially if you are a sole HR Representative like myself, came up. It was during this discussion that the subject of Toilet Talks came up and I was intrigued. I was not sure what a “Toilet Talk” was but I was going to find out, so I began researching.

  It was then that I came across several different types of newsletters used by school counselors, different businesses, etc. and thought I could create one of my own.  The whole idea behind the Toilet Talk newsletters is to leverage a creative opportunity to relay pertinent educational information in a place where you can have someone’s undivided attention…the restroom.

  I first introduced Toilet Talks to our employees back in July 2021, when I needed to relay information about COVID-19. As you know, the information was changing almost daily so I felt that I needed to create a newsletter that could relay the information as well as provide a daily reminder each time someone went to the restroom. It was during this time that I decided to create a Toilet Talk for our employees and I’ve been doing it ever since,” Rodriquez said.

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