Uvalde Hesperian

Uvalde comes together with a heart of Thanksgiving

Uvalde Ministerial Alliance invites the community to gather at the Willie DeLeon Civic Center Sunday Nov 19th @ 6:00 p.m. 

Article submitted by Emma Trimble

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Uvalde Ministerial Alliance invites the community to gather at the Willie DeLeon Civic Center
Sunday Nov 19th @ 6:00 p.m. to give thanks to God for the grace He has bestowed upon our community.

Although as a community we are all still facing the heartache of May 24th and will never forget the indescribable loss of that day … there is a sense of healing that is emerging.

Individuals and entire families selflessly give of their time and resources to help aid their fellow Uvaldean. Throughout the city and beyond there are random acts of love and kindness that will never be seen on social media sites.

It is The God of love that impresses the heart of man to do good. Acts of kindness are a reflection of the goodness of God and of His desire to express His love for humanity.
For this and for so much more we will gather and express our gratitude.

We acknowledge your goodness oh Lord and unite as one to express our heartfelt dependence upon you for peace and restoration.

Blessed is the city whose God is Lord!
Ps.33:12 Ps.100:4-5
Uvalde Ministerial Alliance

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