Majority of voters say “No” to Utopia ISD’s $58 Million Dollar Bond

  by Michael Robinson | The Uvalde Hesperian

  The majority of voters soundly rejected Utopia ISD’s  $58 million dollar bond which was on the ballot with a slate of the Constitutional Amendments for Texas voters to decide on. 

  Early votes posted Tuesday evening after 7 PM at the Uvalde Leader-News election total board indicated the proposed school bond might be in trouble showing only 7 votes were in favor of the bond with 22 votes against. 

   Shortly after 9 PM, the Uvalde Hesperian visited the Uvalde County Elections Office and spoke to County Elections Director Melissa Jones if any additional results had been received. She stated that since Utopia ISD covers an area encompassing four counties, her office may not get the complete results for this ballot issue. 

   A phone call was placed by the Uvalde Hesperian to Utopia ISD’s administration office about 8:40 AM on Wednesday, November 8th where the unofficial results for the Utopia Bond election were obtained.

 126 votes in favor

 529 votes against