Uvalde Hesperian

Texas U.S Senator Ted Cruz addresses the U.S. border crisis, the crisis in Israel and the USDA school lunch program theat

Press Release by Senator Ted Cruz

“Under the Biden administration’s watch, our country is facing the worst illegal immigration crisis in our nation’s history. We’ve had 7.6 million illegal immigrants cross our southern border since Joe Biden took office. I have spent a lot of time at the southern border, and it is always shocking to see just how disastrous this crisis really is. Biden’s open border policies have invited the cartels to brutalize children, to assault women, to overrun our communities with illegal aliens, and to flood this country with narcotics and fentanyl that kill over 100,000 people per year. Today, my boots are back on the ground in the Rio Grande Valleywith Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), and Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.) to meet with U.S. Border Patrol and witness first-hand just how rapidly the Biden Border Crisis has escalated in Texas over recent months.

Watch the press conference recapping Biden’s Border Crisis here.”

On Tuesday, I joined Sean Hannity on Fox News to discuss how the Biden administration continues to install officials that undermine Israel.



“The UN for a long time has been a vicious pit of anti-Israel [and] anti-Semitism. They have countries like Cuba, Libya, and Syria on the Human Rights Council. It’s a mockery. … And I got to say it’s striking, at the same time this is happening Joe Biden has nominated to be the United States Ambassador to Israel a man named Jack Lew. … Jack Lew was integral in the United Nation’s passing UN Resolution 2334. … The most viciously anti-Semitic resolution the UN has ever passed.”

On Tuesday, I also welcomed the President of the Republic of Paraguay, Santiago Peña, to my office where we discussed the vital importance of the alliance between our two nations to advance interests abroad, especially with Taiwan and Israel.

On Thursday, I delivered remarks on the Senate floor where I stood in opposition to the Biden administration’s outrageous rule that would deny school lunches to children, most of whom come from low income families, unless parents and schools ram radical gender ideology down their throats.



"The U.S. Department of Agriculture has told schools, we will cut off your school lunch funding... unless the schools comply with the Biden administration’s radical transgender policies.”

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