Uvalde Hesperian

UHS Homecoming Parade draws over a thousand sepectators. Parade ends outside Honey Bowl with bonfire fanale

 by Michael Robinson| Uvalde Hesperian ;Pictures by Robinson

Over a thousand people gathered along Nopal Street and North Getty Wednesday evening October 25th to view the dozens of floats and decorated vehicles which featured many Uvalde CISD school athletic teams, as well as the UHS Band, High school and Jr. High Cheerleaders, band, choir, extracurricular organizations  student groups and clubs filled with many students of all ages. As the floats passed by the crowds, students on floats tred candy towars the spectators. Children could be seen gathering the candy that fell on the streets.

The parade ended just outside the Honey Bowl where a large crowd of parents and students assembled to view the UHS Homecoming Bonfire.

Uvalde High School Football team players ride on one of the many floats

Track Sweetheart Fiona White waves atop a convertible driven by Dr. David White

UHS Homecoming Bonfire blazes outside of the Honey Bowl

Trio Sweetheart Aracely Torrez accompanid by Ryan Diaz

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