U.C. Commissioners Court narrowly avoids legal abyss by approving Olvedo-Karau as replacement election judge.

Judge Mitchell: ” If we don’t take action today what will happen?” Melissa Jones; “I’m not sure.”

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian

  The atmosphere at the Uvalde County Commissioners Court meeting seemed to suddenly grow tense on Monday, October 23rd as the court considered the election judge agenda item. 

  Faced with the prospect of not having an Early Voting Ballot Board Judge approved as early voting for the 2023 Constitutional Amendment Elections already underway, Uvalde County Judge Bill Mitchell appeared frustrated by the Court having to consider an act upon the approval of election judges. The Court ultimately approved Diana Olvedo-Karau as the replacement judge narrowly averting placing the County into a sort of legal abyss but only after being told by Olvedo-Karau they, (the Commissioners) did not understand the election code. 

 “I would venture to say that the majority of you do not know what is in this handbook; do not know what is required of the election process and that’s a sad statement, but I know it’s a fact.” Olvedo-Karau said.

 Uvalde County Republican Chair Rhonda Vigil spoke to the Court following Olvedo-Karau where she claimed that dead people are on the voter rolls and illegal aliens are being allowed to vote. Vigil continued to talk after Mitchell warned her three minutes speaking time was up. Judge Mitchell then shouted, “Sheriff” prompting a U.C. Sheriff’s Deputy to step toward Vigil. Vigil ceased talking and sat down before the deputy reached her which put an end to that tense moment.

  Olvedo-Karau continued with her comments blasting Uvalde County Elections Director Melissa Jones and her staff. “You have an elections administrator; an office that’s staffed by three people that should know this stuff inside and out.”

 Prior to Olvedo-Karau and Uvalde County Republican Party Chair Rhonda Vigil addressing the court on the election judge agenda item  Uvalde County Election Director Melissa Jones stood at the podium facing the Commissioners, a back and forth exchange occurred between Judge Bill Mitchell and Jones.

  Judge Mitchell: “This is the third time we have been here on this issue? Why is the Commissioners Court involved?
Jones : “Per statute”

Judge Mitchell: “You are recommending we appoint Diana Olvedo-Karau? This court has no input into the selection?”

Commissioner Jerry Bates: “I don’t particularly like this.”

Judge Mitchell: “We made this selection a month ago and we were told we can’t do that?”

Judge Mitchell: ” Early voting starting today and we don’t have a judge?”

Jones – “If we make a substitution; yes we do.”

Judge Mitchell: ” We have to approve somebody we may or may not agree with,”

Jones: “Yes”

Judge Mitchell- We get the blame if somethinggoes wrong but we don’t have any say so as to whom is in charge.” 

Jones: ” We will be making it from the same list.”

Jones: “It’s part of the court’s statue; it’s part of the election code.”

Judge Mitchell: ” So If we don’t take action today, what happens?”

Jones “I’m not sure.”